“Zane, get in here,” he yelled out the door and put his cell on speaker.

Izzy’s words were filled with concern and worry. “Can we rent another jet tonight? She’s got to get there as soon as possible.”

Zane stepped into the bathroom. “Is everything okay?”

Maddox shook his head. “Toni’s boy is missing. Izzy, it would take hours to get the paperwork done and we wouldn’t be able to get off the ground until morning. But Zane and I can use our plane to get Toni to Milwaukee. We can be in the air in forty-five minutes if we hurry.”

“Yes. Please hurry.”

Zane nodded. “I’ll get us packed, bro.” And he rushed out.

“Maddox, I’ll send a car for you and Zane and one for her and have you meet at the airport. And I’ll let her know.”

The call ended and he hurried to get ready. Toni needed him and Zane. He couldn’t imagine what she was going through right now.

* * * *

“His father is not in the picture,” Toni informed Detective Hartman, just as her cell beeped and Izzy’s number appeared on the screen. “Excuse me, Detective. This must be about my flight. I’ll be right back.”

“It’s okay. I’ve got all I need right now. I’ll see you when you arrive.”


“Everything is taken care of. There will be a car outside your place in five minutes to take you to the airport. Don’t worry about your dog. Cami is going to take care of Tasha while you’re away.”

“Oh, Izzy, I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, sweetie. Just go get Restin.”

Chapter Six

Zane finished the pre-flight check on the plane, while Maddox was inside the FBO office paying the fuel bill. He and Maddox calculated that with the current weather conditions the flight to Milwaukee should take about three hours.

Toni’s limo pulled in next to the hanger. He watched her jump out with a small suitcase.

She ran to him. “We have to hurry, Zane. How long before we take off? Wait. This isn’t Izzy’s jet. Oh no. I remember. You told me it was being serviced. Whose plane is this?” She was rattling off sentences like a machine gun. It was obvious how very upset she was.

He wrapped his arms around her, hoping to make her feel just a little better, though he knew that wasn’t possible. Her son was missing. “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart. This is mine and Maddox’s plane. It may be much smaller than the Gibbs’ jet but it will get us there. And just as soon as Maddox gets back we’ll be ready to go.”

“How long will it take us to fly there? I have to get to my boys as fast as I can.”

“It’s fast, Toni. Three hours at the most. Maybe two and a half.”

“Oh thank God.” Her blue eyes were wide with worry. “I hope I didn’t sound ungrateful, Zane. I’m just so concerned about my son.”

“Oh, sweetheart, you didn’t sound ungrateful. You sounded like a loving mother. Let me take your bag and we’ll get you settled in.”

He placed her suitcase in the storage compartment and got her buckled up in the passenger seat right behind the left pilot seat.

Maddox entered the plane. “Hey, sweetheart. I’ve got coffee, soda, and water for the trip. Would you like something after we get airborne?”

She shook her head. “Thank you, but no. I’m too nervous. May I use my phone before we take off.”


Zane turned on his microphone. “Addison Ground: Piper One Zero Four Echo Sierra, at line service, taxi for takeoff for northwest departure.”

“Honey, it’s Mom,” Toni told her son.