Maddox’s fists were curled at his side. “Tell me and Zane who this bastard is and where he lives.”

“I wish we knew,” Izzy said.

“Izzy!” Cami scolded. “We’ve already said too much.” She turned back to him and Maddox. “Just know it’s not about your age or about her dating the two of you at the same time.”

“Right,” Izzy said. “It’s about Toni’s fucking ex-husband.”

“Fucking?” Jay looked shocked. “You really don’t like the guy, do you?”

“No, we don’t,” Cami answered, just as Roberto and Miguel moved next to her. “And that’s all Izzy and I are saying.”

She left with her guys, as did Izzy with hers.

Zane turned to his brother. “What do you think about what we learned?”

“Now more than ever I want to be there for Toni. She’s amazing and worth us being patient. And I want to hunt that bastard down who hurt her and bust his head in.”

“Me, too. We won’t give up on her. Ever. Not a chance.”

They walked to the table where Toni was sitting. The chairs meant for them put her between him and Maddox, a position he liked very much. Always.

The three women on the other side of the table he’d met once at another party, though he couldn’t remember their names. They were Roberto and Miguel’s publisher, editor, and agent for their cookbooks.

There were several empty champagne flutes in front of the three women. They appeared a little more than just tipsy and also seemed mesmerized by Toni.

Toni only had one empty glass in front of her, and the other looked as if she’d only taken a sip or two from it. That didn’t surprise him. At the parties and events he’d seen her, she never drank more than two drinks. She always kept her cool and never got out of hand. It was just another thing he liked about her.

“Cami is very happy,” she said to the women. “And she deserves to be happy.”

“So do you,” he said, taking the seat to the left of her.

“Definitely,” Maddox added, sitting down in the one to her right.

She pointed at the two plates with the special dessert placed on the table in front of his and Maddox’s seats. “I was about to give away yours to the highest bidder. It’s so good.”

“Oh yes,” the three said in unison and started giggling.

“We weren’t sure you were going to make it to the table. Have you met before?” she asked him and Maddox, motioning to the threesome.

“Yes,” he answered. “Once. Nice to see you all again.”

“Same here,” the woman in the red dress said. “Zane and Maddox Kavanagh. How could I ever forget?” She looked at Toni. “Is the bidding still open, Toni? I’ll give you ten bucks right now for one of them.”

“Fifteen,” the one in the blue blouse offered.

The woman with the dangly earrings leaned forward and winked. “Twenty-five. I assume we’re talking about a kiss from your guys not a bite of their dessert, right?”

The three women laughed.

Toni smiled, but he sensed she was a little irritated.

“How long have you three been together?” Red Dress asked.

“Oh, we’re not together,” Toni answered. “We’re just friends.”

“Friends with benefits?” Blue Blouse grinned.

“Stop teasing her,” Dangly Earrings said, though she had a wicked grin on her face.