She gazed into his gray eyes, full of intensity. “Dustin, I realize you’ve talked to Mick and know what he’s asked me. I haven’t said ‘yes’ to him yet.”

“‘Yet’ being the key word.” He let out a long, sad breath, which broke her heart. Obviously, knowing Mick was willing to marry her without him had shaken Dustin. “Just hear me out, baby.”

He called me “baby.” “Okay.”

“I’ve been a complete ass, Paris, but I’ve had my reasons. The way you handled yourself tonight delivering Amber’s baby was incredible. You really would make a great doctor.”

She pulled her hand free of his. “Not this again.”

“No. Not again.” He grabbed both her hands. “I really feel I’m correct about your talents, but now I know it’s your decision.”

What if he’s right? Her mind flashed back to the delivery room when the Stone’s baby, Richard Trevor Stone, entered the world. She’d been a part of that miracle. Amber and her three husbands had been so grateful. I’ll never forget it.

Dustin continued. “Medical school would be a cakewalk for you, sweetheart.”

She swallowed hard, hating that she’d kept silent about something so important for so long. She’d gone to medical school on the sly. She had her reasons, but none of them seemed to make sense to her right now. “There’s something I need to tell you about that. But it’s hard for me to say.”

Her plan had been that once she finished her first semester and proved herself, she would come clean to him and Mick and everyone else. Her first semester had come and gone. She’d aced her classes. But she hadn’t been brave enough to let anyone know. So, she’d modified her plan. She would tell them the next semester. Another semester passed. And another. And the secret stayed in place all the way through her residency.

“Wait. I’m not going to push you anymore, honey.” He squeezed her hands lightly, and she felt warmth flood her body.


sp; Deep down, she knew how kind and tender he could be, like now. God, can I really tell him?

Concealing what she was doing from those back home became easier and easier. She was busy. They were far away. She dove into her studies. She could have told her dad during one of her trips back home to spend Christmas with him, but she hadn’t. The more time passed withholding the truth about what she was doing, the more difficult it became to confess. After she’d gotten her medical degree and passed Nevada’s licensing test, she’d written a long letter to Dustin and Mick. But she’d never sent it. How could she after being silent so long?

Open your mouth, Paris, and tell him, damn it.

Dustin moved his hand to her shoulder. “Sweetheart, I can tell you’re struggling. Don’t.”


“It’s okay. I get it now. You’re an amazing nurse. If you’re really happy, then that’s all that matters.” He reached up and touched her cheek. “Just promise me one thing.”


“Don’t take that job in Nevada. I’m sure they want to put you in charge of the entire nursing staff, and there’s no doubt you could handle it. But don’t go.”

“Dustin, I need to tell you—”

“Wait, baby. Let me finish. Please hold off on giving an answer to Mick’s proposal. Give me a chance to prove I’ve changed.”

“I can’t believe this, Dustin.” She closed her eyes, agonizing over whether to trust him or not. “I want to believe you’ve changed. I really do, but how can I? Mick proposes and you suddenly have a complete turnaround concerning my career?” She opened her eyes and leaned back, trembling from emotions. “This is what I’ve always wanted. But should I really believe you?”

“Trust me, Paris. More than anything I want you. I’ve always wanted you. That’s never changed. I only came on strong because deep down I thought you really wanted to be a doctor but were too afraid to pursue it.”

Oh God, how do I tell him?

Dustin leaned in so very close, his lips less than an inch from hers. “When you didn’t come back to Destiny for so long, I thought I’d lost you forever. The day you walked into my office and asked for a job in the practice, I believed in us again. But my old habits returned. I started pushing and pushing to get you to consider medical school. I’ve been an ass, baby. You and Mick have been right all along. I’m the one to blame for us remaining apart.”

“Oh, Dustin, you’re not the only one to blame. I have a share in it, too. I’m the one who ended our relationship in the first place. I gave up on us first.”

“That was years ago, honey. I was still a resident down in Phoenix. I thought I knew everything. I don’t.” Dustin shook his head. “No. Not you. Not Mick. Me. I get it now. But I’m willing to change. For you. For us.”

“You can’t imagine how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”

He smiled, and then he leaned in and kissed her. She hadn’t kissed him in so long, but the familiar urgency in his lips awakened her desires for him. Heat shot through her. She tingled from head to toe as he traced her lips with his tongue.