Sal nodded, grabbing his walkie-talkie. “All secure in the ER. Please send the staff back. Who are these two, Doc?” He pointed to her and Mick.

“My brother, Mick. And this is Paris Cottrell, a brilliant woman. She’s an RN who helped out with our little patient during this crisis.”

Hearing Dustin refer to her that way filled her with pride.

“An RN? Wow. You can’t be more than twenty, young lady.”

“I’m nineteen. I graduated from high school when I was sixteen. Got my RN degree when I was eighteen.”

“I knew you were young, but you were so competent with this girl I was sure you were a Doogie Howser-type doctor.”

“She could be,” Dustin said with his typical tone of judgment that let her know she wasn’t living up to her full potential in his opinion. “Her IQ is 175.”

Paris turned to Dustin. “And you graduated from high school at sixteen, too, and got your bachelor’s when you turned nineteen. You also finished medical school in three years. And I bet you’re one of the youngest Doogie interns in this entire hospital.”

“What about me, baby?” Mick laughed. “I graduated from Destiny High early and got my law degree in half the normal time.”

“Wow,” Sal said. “All three of you are genius level, aren’t you?”

“I suppose so, but she is the most brilliant of us.” Dustin turned to the EMTs. “Since we’re short staffed at the moment, will you help us out and take our little patient to X-ray for me?”

“No problem, Doc.” The two wheeled the girl down the hallway.

Over the intercom, the announcement came. “All ER staff return to your stations, stat. Thank you.”

A seasoned, middle-aged nurse came into the ER followed by another security guard. The two seemed to be arguing.

“You were supposed to go to the area assigned, Shirley.” The security guard was clearly frustrated.

“I told you I have a job to do, Leland,” the nurse said to the man. “You’re not keeping me from it. I found a safe place in the medicine room, didn’t I? I wasn’t going to leave because I heard the siren.” Shirley turned to Dustin. “Doctor, I’m here. What do you need from me?”

Dustin gestured to the man who had threatened her. “He shot himself in the leg.”

“Motherfuckers,” the addict screamed. “Give me drugs. Now.”

“And as you can see he’s in full withdrawal from what I suspect is heroin.” He turned to Mick. “Got to hurry on this case, bro. I know you and Paris came to take me to dinner, but it’s going to have to wait a while. Go ahead and take her to the restaurant and I’ll join you as soon as I can.”

“Sure thing.” Mick slapped Dustin on the shoulder.

“You can’t go anywhere until the police get here,” Sal said. “They’re going to need statements from all of you.”

Mick nodded. “Tell them we’re in the cafeteria, Sal. This beautiful lady could use a cup of coffee and a chance to sit down.”

“Okay, but don’t leave the hospital.”

“You’ve got a deal. How’s the food here?”

“Not too bad,” Shirley answered, putting an IV in the back of the man’s hand. “Cafeteria is on the fourth floor.”

Not wanting to get too far away from Dustin, Paris was glad they weren’t leaving the hospital.

As Dustin and Shirley continued helping their patient, another EMT duo rushed in with an unconscious woman.

Dustin looked up. “What do you have?”

The taller of the two answered. “Middle-aged woman who was beaten with a bat by her husband. Blood pressure falling fast.”

Dustin leaned over the woman. “She’s crashing.”