“Something funny, sub?” Mick’s voice sharpened, but she detected a hint of humor there as well. This was part of the play. He was Dom. She was sub.

“No, Sir. Nothing funny.”

“Let’s see how this feels on these.” He pressed something hard and stinging on her nipples.

Instantly, she knew it was ice as the cold drops dripped down her breasts. He held them there until she was writhing in her restraints. He removed the little frozen blocks and replaced them with his warm mouth.

She moaned, enjoying the feel of his tongue and lips on her breasts.

The ice returned, and her nipples began to throb like crazy. Mick’s oral heating of her breasts came next. Back and forth, cold ice followed by a hot mouth.

When he trailed one of the cubes down to her pussy, her skin felt both hot and chilled, popping what she knew had to be a multitude of goose bumps on her body.

When he sent one of the cubes into her channel, she screamed with delight. The shock caused the building pressure inside her to tighten and expand. He traced another ice cube along her arms. He traveled it down between her legs and kissed her clit with his warm lips.

More delicious shivers came, not from the cold but from the fire he was calling forth from her body.

It, too, joined its twin inside her pussy. The sensations they created caused her to writhe in her restraints. She could feel them melting away to nothing from the heat of her body.

“That’s my girl.” He removed her dishtowel, the provisional blindfold.

She stared into his loving eyes.

“How are you doing, baby?”

“Sustained, Sir. Very sustained. I need you, Sir. Inside me. Please. Please. I beg you.”

“That’s all I need to hear.” In a flash, he unfastened her from her restraints, then he removed his belt, jeans, and her sheet. He pulled out a foil package from a pocket of his Levi’s. “You want me? Prove it. Put this on my dick.”

“I want you, Sir.” She ripped open the package and rolled the rubber down his rock hard cock.

He got on top of her, and she could feel his thick dick pressing on her wet pussy. Slowly, he sent his dick into her depths, filling her. Every inch he claimed caused her heart to skip a beat. She wrapped her legs around him. Her need to surrender to him was so powerful, so all consuming, that all that mattered at this moment was to be connected to him completely, to have him take all of her.

When his shaft reached her G-spot, liquid poured out of her. With his hand, he gently pressed on her clit and the pressure that had been building since he’d tied her to the bed poured forth from her like a molten flood of breathtaking pleasure.

“Yes. Yes.” Lost to the orgasm he’d given her, she held onto him with her arms and legs, squeezing him with all her might.

His thrusts came faster and faster until the last one came like a hammer into her very soul. His eyes narrowed, but never left hers. “Fuuuck. Yes.”

She could feel his cock pulsating inside her.

They collapsed together in each other’s arms.

He smiled and kissed her. “I’ve missed this so much.”

“So have I, Mickey. So have I.”

He held up a jar of honey. “More to come, baby.”

She took stock of the spread of items he’d placed on the bed next to them. “Quite an assortment.” She lifted them all one by one. “Whipped cream. Honey. Tongs. A banana. We already enjoyed this bowl full of ice cubes.” She giggled. “A blender?” She held it up to him. “My God, what do you have in mind with this?”

He winked. “You’ll see, but I just want to hold you now.”

“I want that, too.” Relaxing from their lovemaking, reality began to set in again. This is my last time with him. Oh God, it has to be. How will I bear it?

She closed her eyes, willing herself not to cry.

Chapter Eight