The entire afternoon, she’d tried to talk Mick out of going to Dustin, but he would hear none of it. Even during the drive to her house, she’d given him a slew of reasons why he shouldn’t. She’d wasted her breath on him and was afraid what he meant to do would make things even worse. Both her guys were so stubborn.

My guys? They aren’t mine. They never really have been.

As Mick drove away, she felt her tummy tighten into a knot. She knew he was headed straight to Dustin.

She could never separate them. Never choose one over the other. They were brothers. They were meant to share a woman. That was the Destiny way. She wished she could’ve been that woman, but clearly Dustin would never commit to her, especially if he ever learned her secret.

She brought out her cell. It had rang as they’d walked out of Phong’s, but she’d let it go to voice mail when she saw it was from Dr. Alex Champion, the man offering her the job in Nevada.

I could use a glass of wine before I listen to it.

She went into the kitchen, feeling the nervous trembles. They’d been brought on by Mick’s words. Part of her wanted to say “yes” to him. A big part of her. But the other part, the sensible part, the part that still loved Dustin, too, could never agree to marry just Mick.

She filled her wine glass, sat down, and listened to her message.

“Ms. Cottrell, this is Dr. Alex Champion. I hope you’re still considering our offer. I would like very much for you to come to Wilde. I’ll answer any questions you have, and you can look over our facility. I’m anxious to hear from you.”

Even though it was only 5pm, early enough to return Champion’s call, she set down her cell and brought her wine glass to her lips.

The call to the doctor in Wilde would have to wait. First, she wanted to relax and clear her head.

As the rich Malbec washed over her tongue, she leaned back in her chair, wishing her life had turned out the way she’d imagined. She closed her eyes and thought about the house she’d dreamed would be hers one day with Dustin and Mick. It had to be two stories, with a big wraparound porch. Large windows. With a big lot with lots of trees their children could play in.

But it will never be.

She placed her empty glass on the table next to her. One glass only, Paris.

Amber could go into labor any time, and she’d have to return to the clinic to help Dustin deliver the Stone’s baby.

Paris closed her eyes, feeling more loss wash over her. She’d wanted babies, too. Wanted Dustin and Mick’s babies.

“Stop it, Paris. You have to be strong. You know what you have to do.” She needed to leave Destiny and everything and everyone she’d ever known. The fantasy she’d built in her mind had to be left behind, too.

The detour to Wilde was something she’d never expected to have to take, but one she could no longer avoid, despite Mick’s proposal.

Would he and Dustin find another woman after she left? One they could fall in love with? Someone who Dustin could commit to? Deep down she couldn’t allow herself to even imagine such a thing happening.

If I leave, why shouldn’t I want them to be happy?

She should be selfless, but she couldn’t be.

“Damn, I hate this.”

* * * *

Mick drove to his parents’ house on Glenview Road. Dustin’s car wasn’t around, so he knew he must’ve already left. He thought about turning around and heading to the clinic, which was likely the place Dustin would be, but decided now that he was here it would be good to talk to his folks. They needed to be aware of his decision.

He walked up to the front door, knocked, and opened it. “Hey. Anybody home?”

His mom came out from the kitchen. “I hope you’re staying for dinner. I couldn’t convince your brother to. How are you, honey?”

“Not good, Mom. I have something I want to talk with you about.”

“With me and your dads, I’m guessing, right?”

“Yes, I hope they’re here.”

“You know your dads. Leo is in the garage working on that old jalopy and Larry is in the garden pulling weeds. I’ll put on a pot of coffee and call them inside. We can talk around our favorite spot to work things out, the kitchen table.”