They headed down West Street, passing the Black Dragon statue, which sat on the northwest corner of Destiny’s Central Park. He looked into the beast’s eyes and silently implored him to share his wisdom, which Destonians believed the dragon possessed and could share.

As they passed the Green Dragon statue, they both glanced at it. It sat on the southwest corner of the park, and had a shamrock on its chest. Everyone believed in the Green Dragon’s luck. All four of the statues, including the other two, the Blue Dragon and Red Dragon, were treasured by all of Destiny.

He and Paris crossed the street, arriving at Phong’s Wok. He held the door for Paris, and they walked inside. The restaurant’s delicious aroma’s filled his nostrils and made his stomach growl.

Melissa Phong greeted them. “Doc not joining you for lunch today?”

“Nope,” he answered. “Just the two of us.”

Melissa seated them in a booth by the window facing each other.

Jacob Phong

came out from the kitchen. “Hey, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Hiro is on the phone and has a question for you.”

Jacob had dark hair and was Caucasian, like Melissa, though he had legally changed his last name to hers and his uncle Hiro’s Asian surname. Getting that done for the guy was one of the last acts as an attorney Mick had accomplished, and one that he was actually proud of. The twenty-six-year-old’s story was a sad one, but now Jacob seemed genuinely settled.

“Excuse me.” Melissa turned to Jacob. “Get them water and take their order for me, please.”

“Sure thing.”

Melissa went back into the kitchen to take Hiro’s call.

Jacob handed them menus. “What would you like to drink?”

“Just water for me,” Paris said.

“I’ll take a Coke. How’s the arm, buddy?”

Jacob held it up. “Good as new thanks to your brother.”

“How’s your cousin?” Paris asked, referring to Josh Phong, Hiro and Melissa’s son.

“He can’t stop talking about the scar on his face, which he likes to call his war wound.” Jacob laughed. “He wears it like a badge of honor.”

“I don’t blame him,” she said. “After all you two did for our town, you deserve to be praised. You played a part in bringing down Kip Lunceford. You should be proud.”

“We only played a small part, Paris. The whole town came together to defeat that asshole. That’s why we won the war.”

More customers came through the door.

“Let me get them seated and I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time, Jacob.” Mick looked at Paris. “We’re in no rush today.”

She sighed. “True.”

Jacob smiled and went to take care of the other customers.

He reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. “Sweetheart, don’t worry. Everything is going to work out between you and Dustin.”

“Not just between me and Dustin. Issues abound between you and him, too.”

“Yes, they do, but I believe there are better days ahead for all of us.”

“I wish you were right, but I don’t think so.”

“You’ve got to trust me on this, Paris.”