She’d lived with nothing but fear, telling herself she’d only gotten her license out of spite. She’d said it so long she actually believed it.

What do I do now? Mick had proposed. Dustin had made it clear to her that he wanted her, too. But was that enough? Was she enough for them? Deep down, she felt unworthy of their devotion. She’d broken up with them in Phoenix, blaming Dustin’s stubbornness as the reason. But had that been the real reason, the only reason, or just another lie she told herself?

What am I afraid of? Everything.

Her cell rang. Her stomach churned. She wasn’t ready to talk to either Dustin or Mick.

She looked at the screen and saw Dr. Alex Champion’s name come up. “Hello, this is Paris Cottrell.”

“Hello, Dr. Cottrell. This is Dr. Champion from Wilde. I’m sorry to call you so early, but I wanted to catch you.”

She looked at the clock on her stove. 8:00 a.m. “It’s not too early, Doctor. I got your message, but we had a baby to deliver. So I couldn’t return your call yet.”

“I completely understand. I hope you’ll take me up on the offer to visit Wilde and see our new hospital, Doctor.”

Doctor? It still sounds so strange. What am I afraid of? “Absolutely, I’ve spoken to Dr. Mark Strong. Do you know him?”

“Not personally, but I know he’s related to plenty of folks around here.”

“He moved to Destiny and is our local vet. He told me all about Wilde. I think it sounds like a wonderful place.”

“Oh, it is. I moved here not long ago and love it. I’m sure you being from Destiny will too.”

“Doctor, do you mind if we push up the date? I can be on the road in an hour or so and that’ll put me in Wilde around eight tonight. I would love to get the tour tomorrow.”

“That would be excellent. I’m anxious to show you everything.”

Afraid she might back out, she pressed, “Why not make my tour this evening, if you don’t mind, Doctor?”

“If you’re up to it, I’d be happy to, but it’s got to be a long drive from Destiny to Wilde.”

“Not too long.” Over ten hours. “I’ll be fine. The sooner the better.”

“Great. I was hoping you could meet Dr. Vines, but she’s back in Elko, where she practices for the next couple of days. It’s about thirty miles from Wilde. She’s available for surgical emergencies and is filling in for me for the time being until I get out of this cast.”


“Silliest thing. I have a new baby and I slipped on her toy the other day and broke my arm.”

“Sorry to hear that. If you need me to delay coming—”

“No. Please. Come as soon as you can. Tonight would be great. I’ll send you an e-mail with all the information and directions.”

“I’ll be there, Doctor. Thank you.” She ended the call.

What am I afraid of?

She dialed her father, but got his voice mail. Good. Easier. “Hey, Dad. I can’t wait. Talked with Dr. Champion. I’m going to leave for Wilde today. I’ll call you when I get there. Love you.”

* * * *

Dustin signed Ethel’s release papers and then looked at the regal lady, who had already been fully dressed, sitting in the chair anxious to go home, when he’d arrived. “I want you to take it easy the next few days and I want to see you back in my office next week, young lady.”

“I haven’t been a young lady, Doc, in a very long time.”

“You are to me, sweetheart. Always.” Patrick kissed her on the cheek.

“And to me,” Sam added, squeezing her hand.