Mick shook his head.

“Did he fill out any paperwork, Kelly?”

“Yes, it’s on his chair.”

Dustin went over to the chair and retrieved the pages. “Except for his name, the rest is blank. His name is Karl Lemmon. I guess if he starts feeling bad he’ll come back. Call me if he does.”

Kelly nodded and returned to her desk.

The waiting room began to clear out.

Mick turned to his brother. “How are you doing?”

“As good as can be expected, Mick, given what you told me earlier.”

His gut tightened. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt Dustin. “I don’t know what to say.”

“I think you’ve said it all. I don’t blame you. Not one bit. But it doesn’t make this any easier for me, Mick.”

“I know.”

“Did you ask her?”


“And what did she say?”

Is Dustin having a change of heart? “She hasn’t answered me yet.”

Dustin sighed. “We need to talk, but first I want to talk to Paris myself.”

Mick felt a glimmer of hope return. “Sure. I completely understand. Talk to her. I still believe the three of us are meant to start a family together.”

“Maybe. I’m exhausted and have a lot to think about. I’m going to have Katy cancel all my appointments tomorrow. How about you and I meet for lunch?”

“Of course.”

Dustin walked back through the double doors.

Don’t fuck up with her, bro.

Chapter Ten

Paris walked into Dustin’s office, expecting to find him behind his desk deep in paperwork. But he wasn’t behind his desk and there wasn’t any paperwork in sight. A single folder sat in the center of his desk beside his phone. And Dustin was pacing.


She’d never seen him do that before. This must be about Mick’s proposal.

“I’m here as requested, Doctor.”

Dustin turned to her and smiled. “Let’s sit on the sofa. I need to talk to you.”

The black leather sofa was more loveseat than sofa. It had two tables that framed it, each with a lamp, which her father had given him as gifts when Dustin had taken over the practice.

“Yes. Let’s talk.” Her heart was racing, guessing at what he wanted to discuss.

He sat down next to her, so close, so very close, and took hold of her hand, sending a spark up her arm and through her body.