Paris never ceased to be amazed at how tough the trio of eighty-plus year olds were. The O’Learys were destined to live to over a hundred each, no doubt. “So you worked outside all day yesterday?”

“Yes, but even when it’s hot I still like to drink my coffee.”

Ian came in. “Doc, I’ve got the results you asked for.”

Dustin took the file.

“Hello, Ian,” Ethel said. “How are your parents?”

“They’re doing great, Judge. Still loving retirement. They’re up in Canada at the moment on a three-week fishing trip. But more importantly, how are you?”

“I’ll be much better when I’m out of here. Maybe you can help me out.”

Ian smiled and shook his head. “Doc is in charge, ma’am. Not me.”

Ethel laughed. “What a cop-out, young man.”

Dustin looked up from the file. “You may not like what I have to tell you, Ethel, but it’s for your own good.”

“I suppose I should be a better patient, Doc. You did fix me up after I got shot. You do know what you’re doing. Okay, spill it. What’s the verdict?”

“Turns out you do have low potassium. I am going to keep you overnight. I’ll let you go in the morning.”

“Fine. I give up. What caused this?”

“Paris was asking you about your water intake for a reason. Dehydration is a cause. I’m sure you, Sam, and Patrick were overdoing it yesterday, painting your barn.”

“So, I suppose you want me to drink more water?”

“Yes. You can take care of this on your own without medications. I want you to eat bananas, tomatoes, oranges, cantaloupe, and peaches. All of them have potassium.”

“I can do that.”

“The one thing you won’t like is that I want you to limit yourself to one cup of coffee a day, followed by eight ounces of water.”

Ethel frowned. “One cup? Now you’re getting too personal. Why do I have to limit my coffee?”

“Coffee is only a problem if overdone. Consuming five hundred or more milligrams of caffeine a day, which is only three to five cups of coffee, puts you at risk for dehydration. For the next couple of weeks I want you to follow my instructions. We’ll get you back in and test your potassium level. If it’s good, I might let you have two cups a day.”

“Doc, I’m surprised at how generous you are being with me.” Ethel stuck out her tongue. “Not.” Then she giggled like a woman half her age.

Everyone laughed, relieved Ethel was doing so well.

“Ethel, I’m with you on needing my coffee in the morning,” Katy said. “I switched to a caffeine-free substitute when I started getting the jitters. Have you ever tried Postum?”

“Oh, honey, that’s been aro

und since before you were ever born. Yes, thank you for reminding me. I haven’t had it in years. Where are those men of mine? They should’ve been back by now.”

Paris loved how strong Ethel was. She was an example for all women to follow. “I’m going to check back on Amber first, and then I’ll go find Sam and Patrick.”

Dustin turned to her. “I’d like to talk to you in my office later, okay?”

She’d forgotten that Mick had told him about the proposal. Oh God. “Sure thing.”

* * * *

The clock above the receptionist’s desk showed the time. 11:11 p.m.