“Of course it was. Your wife went into anaphylactic shock after eating shrimp. You came home and found her on the floor. It was too late.”

“My sweet Vera still had a heartbeat when I arrived. For the longest time I was my own prosecutor, scrutinizing every detail, looking for the mistake I knew was mine that had ended her life. You’re so like me, Dustin—a perfectionist.”

Trying to lighten his mentor’s mood, he smiled. “And that’s a bad thing?”

“It can be at times.” Dr. Cottrell’s eyes welled up, which was uncommon for him. “Losing my wife flattened my soul and filled me with doubt just like losing that young woman has done to you. I had been practicing medicine for decades. You hadn’t even finished your residency. No wonder you’re carrying such guilt. No wonder you’re broken. I was broken, too. Sam helped me out of the darkness into the light. He can help you, too. Paris loves you and Mick both. The three of you belong together. I don’t believe that she and Mick would be able to build a family without you, Dustin. They would feel nothing but guilt. Please, son. Promise me you’ll go see him.”

“If anyone else asked me, I would say ‘no,’ but because it’s you, I promise. I’ll go see Sam.”

Is it possible Sam could fix me so I could be good enough for Paris?

Chapter Seven

Choking back tears, Paris knew what she had to do, even though it would rip her heart to shreds.

I need to call Dr. Champion back. I need to make it official that I’m accepting his offer.

She grabbed her cell and saw she had a text from her dad.

“Just boarding the plane, sweetheart. Learned about your job offer in Nevada. We need to talk.”

Her heart seized in her chest. How had her father found out about the offer? Mick was the only one she’d told. But once one person in Destiny knew, the whole town knew shortly thereafter.

That secret is out. The other one about her being a surgeon was safe—locked away deep inside her.

Thankfully, her dad was in flight. She needed to call Dr. Champion now before she lost her nerve and definitely before she talked to her dad, who would ask her to reconsider. She didn’t want to reconsider. She couldn’t. Things were spinning out of control fast.

Before she could make the call, a knock on her front door startled her. She stood and pulled her pistol out of the cabinet drawer. Things had been quiet in town since Lunceford had been killed, but old habits died slowly. She clutched her gun, since she wasn’t expecting any visitors.

As she walked quietly to her front door, another knock, louder than before, echoed through her living room.

Her heart thudded in her chest. “Don’t let your imagination get the better of you, Paris. It could be anyone.”

She peered through her peephole and saw Mick standing on her front porch.

Relieved, she placed her pistol on the table.

She opened the door. “What are you doing here?”

“This.” He pulled her in tight, pressing his lips to hers, making her toes curl. When he released her, he captured her full attention with his green eyes. He knelt down on one knee. “I’ve come here to ask you to marry me, Paris Cottrell.”

“Mick, I just can’t say ‘yes.’”

“Then just don’t say ‘no.’” He grabbed her hand and squeezed, sending an electric spark up her arms. “Paris, we’ve waited for Dustin to come around. Both of us. It’s not fair to you or me.”

She closed her eyes, fighting back the loss of her dream. It felt like a massive lead weight in the center of her heart. She’d been avoiding this for far too long, holding onto a false hope. “I know it isn’t, but what else could we do? I love him and so do you.”

Mick stood, sweeping her up in his arms, kissing her with such intensity it completely overwhelmed her.

She melted into his arms and the tears fell. Unable to resist, she kissed him back. “Oh Mick, I love you so much. I wish I could say—”

“Baby, it’s okay.” He traced his fingers over her lips. “Don’t say anything. I just need you.”

“I need you, too. But—”

“Let’s just be tonight. Forget the ‘buts’ and ‘what-ifs.’ We can worry about all that later. Right now, we both need each other.” She sensed the depth of emotions he was keeping under control in every word from him. He was at a breaking point, just like she was. “We deserve to be together. Tonight.”

Is he right? “Mick, I know the past ten years have been hard on you.”