“I guess that’s it then.” Mick sighed and left.

Dustin pounded his fists on the desk. “Fuck.”

He opened his desk drawer and brought out the picture of him, Mick, and Paris at her graduation from nursing school. Happier times. I could’ve married her then. Why didn’t I?

But he knew why he’d put the brakes on so hard. He wanted the best for Paris. She deserved the world. Mick, too.

With all his heart he wanted to give them everything. But he couldn’t.

That woman died. I couldn’t save her.

A knock on his door pulled him from his thoughts. “Come in.”

Paris’s dad, Dr. Edwin Cottrell, entered his office. “Dr. Ryder, how are you this fine day?”

“I’ve been better.” He stood and motioned for the good man to take a seat. “Thanks for coming on such short notice.”

“You said it was urgent.”

“More urgent than I knew. Mick was just here. He’s going to ask Paris to marry him.”


“Yes, just him.”

“Hell, Dustin.” Paris’s dad sat down and sighed. “You’re breaking my daughter’s heart.”

“I’m not sure what else I can do. She’s not ready to get married, Doc.”

“No, son, you’re the one not ready to get married and you know why. You’ve got to forgive yourself about that woman.”

“Easier said than done.”

“Have you given any thought to my suggestion of telling Paris and Mick?”

“No. I can’t. You’re the only one who knows in Destiny and I want to keep it that way.”

“I think you’re making a mistake, but I will keep your secret.”

“Paris has been keeping a secret, too, it seems. Did you know she has a job offer in Nevada?”

Dr. Cottrell frowned. “No, I didn’t.”

“It’s true and that’s why my brother has decided to propose to her. I can’t blame him. She’s disappeared before.” Dustin sighed. “Maybe this is for the best. She deserves someone better than me. With Mick, she can build a future.”

“Better than you? Stop it, Dustin. You did all you could do, son, with that poor woman.”

“Did I? I’ve gone over it and over it a million times. Could there have been other choices a better doctor would’ve chosen?”

“Damn it, Dustin, absolutely not. You know I’ve reviewed the case myself. You did all that could be done. No one could’ve saved that poor girl. You must let it go, for your own sake and for my daughter’s.”

“I’m not sure I can or if it would be best for Paris. Maybe she and Mick should get married without me.”

Dr. Cottrell shook his head. “Is that what you really think?”

“I’m not sure.” His cell rang. “Excuse me for a second. Hello.”

“Doc, this is Emmett Stone. Amber’s just had another pain. Should we bring her in now?”