“Thanks, Mom.” He followed her into the kitchen and sat down in his chair.

She opened the back door. “Larry, our other son is here. Go get Leo and come inside. He wants to talk to us.”

“Seems to be the theme today, sweetheart.”

“Hush up, honey. Both of you wash your hands in the garage sink and wipe your shoes off before coming inside.”

“After thirty-five years, don’t you think we know to do that?”

She smiled. “Love you. Now hurry up.”

“Love you, too, baby.”

She shut the door. “Now, what was I doing? Oh yes. The coffee. Mick, I still have some peanut butter cookies left.”

“Thank you, Mom, but just one, please. I had a big lunch with Paris and I’m still full.”

Dad Leo and Pop Larry came through the back door.

“Good to see you, son,” Dad Leo said.

Pop Larry placed his unlit pipe in the ashtray that had been by the back door for as long as Mick could remember. “How are things up at Steele Ranch?”

“Very good. The new heifers are ready for breeding. Rambo is really getting excited. Somehow bulls seem to know.”

“Shall we cut the chitchat short and get down to the real reason you’re here, son.” Dad Leo took the seat next to him.

His mom frowned. “You could’ve at least waited until I poured the coffee, Leo.”

“Louise, you’re pouring it right now, darlin’, so there’s no sense in putting this off.”

He should have guessed they already knew about his fight with Dustin that morning. “It seems you already know why I’m here, Dad.”

“Not entirely, but your brother was just here sharing his troubles. I’m betting your visit has something to do with that, and in particular you’re here to talk about Paris just like Dustin did.”

His mother handed him a hot cup of coffee and a plate of cookies. “Honey, give the boy a second to breathe.”

“He’s right, Mom. That’s why I came. I have been backed into a corner by Dustin and by Paris.”

She sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. “What do you mean?”

“Paris has a job offer in Nevada. The ten years she was away from Destiny nearly killed me. I can’t lose her again. I won’t. With or without Dustin, I intend to marry her.”

He could see on their faces how upset that news made them. No wonder. His dads were brothers, and so were their fathers. Even his mom came from a typical Destiny family, with three fathers, all siblings, and one mom. It was the way things were meant to be in this part of the world. Expected even.

Pop Larry sat his cup of coffee down on the table. “Son, I understand how you feel, but we just had a long talk with your brother. I really believe we made some headway for the very first time. Can’t you just wait on this proposal for a couple of weeks?”

“Pop, I can’t. I saw it in her eyes. She’s going to bolt again. She’s given up on Dustin.”

“But don’t you give up on him, honey.” His mother squeezed his hand tight. “Your brother has things he struggles with within himself. A mother knows these things. He’s trying to run Paris’s life and yours because he can’t face the demons in his own. Trust me, he will come around if you’ll just be patient. Surely, there’s something you can say to get Paris to turn that job down. She belongs in Destiny. She belongs with you and Dustin.”

“Mom, I just can’t.”

“Your brother promised to talk to Paris’s dad. You know how much Dustin admires Dr. Cottrell. He’s a great influence on Dustin. I’m sure he can turn your brother around.”

“Mom, I understand why you want to believe that. Hell, I’ve been clinging to the hope Dustin would change for years. No more. He’s not going to change. I know that now. It’s too late. I’ve got to do whatever it takes to make sure I don’t lose Paris.”

His mom sighed. “Does Dr. Cottrell know about her job offer?”