“Like Paris said, we need to get you started on an IV.” Doc turned to Shane and Corey. “Will you two help me get her to the clinic? I want to make sure she doesn’t pass out on the way.”

“Sure.” Something in Shane’s gaze on Cindy seemed to hold back a warm welcome for the new arrival. What was going through his mind?

“We’ll be happy to help you, Doc.” Corey looked at Cindy. He didn’t seem polite or neighborly either. “Exactly who are you?”

“Perhaps I should start with why I’m here,” she answered. “I need your help.”

“Yes, you do.” Doc assisted her to her feet. “That’s what I’m here for.”

“Thank you, but I’m not talking about medical help, Doctor. I came here for another reason.”

“And that is?” Shane’s tone was full of accusation, surprising Belle.

“That can wait, Mr. Blue.” Lucy placed her hands on her hips, emphasizing she meant business. “She needs to get to th

e clinic, like Doc and Paris said.”

Cindy shook her head. “Really, I’m fine now.”

“Maybe so.” Doc placed the blood pressure cuff back in his bag. “But you aren’t going anywhere until I get you fully checked out. You’re under my care now until I release you. Understand?”


“What are you doing in Destiny, Cindy?”

“I’m hoping someone can help me. There’s a madman after me. I’m terrified, but I need to tell you who I am. I’m afraid what you’ll think of me when I do.”

Corey leaned forward. “Who are you?”

“I’m Cindy Trollinger. Kip Lunceford is my brother.”

Belle felt her heart skip several beats.

Kip Lunceford, the murdering, brilliant madman who had declared war on Destiny.

Chapter Two

“We’ve been expecting you, Miss Trollinger.” Shane looked directly into Kip Lunceford’s sister’s eyes for any sign of deceit.

“You have, Mr. Blue?” Her responses all appeared genuine. She shared the same DNA as the master manipulator, so Shane couldn’t be sure it wasn’t all just an act.

Belle looked surprised, too. “Really?”

He nodded, pulling her protectively to his side away from Cindy. Yes, Trollinger looked harmless, but he knew very well that looks were often deceiving.

Shannon’s Elite, the CIA black ops team he and Corey were members of, had been briefed about Lunceford’s sister’s pending arrival a couple of weeks earlier.

Doc motioned to him and Corey. “Let’s get her over to the clinic.”

Of course, the “clinic” wasn’t an actual clinic at all. Fire had destroyed the original one, and the new one was still being built. Doc and team were operating out of the county courthouse for the time being.

“Will do.” Shane got on one side of Cindy, placing his arm around her waist to support her. He didn’t buy her story. Not one damn bit. He tightened his hold, just in case she tried to make a move. “Belle, you stay here until we get back.” He didn’t want her around Kip’s sister until they had her secure.

“Not happening, cowboy.” Belle’s fire was something he liked, liked very much. But he couldn’t let his desires for her get in the way of what he had to do. Not now. Not this close to someone who was connected to Kip Lunceford, the Agency’s Most Wanted. He needed to remain focused.

Corey moved to the other side of the woman. “I’ll be right here, Miss Trollinger, to back up Shane. We won’t let you fall.”

“Please, call me Cindy.”