“Plenty.” She led her sister to the banquet room, which was already set up with tables and chairs for tomorrow’s event. “Let’s sit here.”

“I can tell you’re upset, Sis.” Amber always could read her better than anyone. “I got your text about Kip’s sister. Is that what’s troubling you? Is she still at the courthouse?”

“She is, and that’s part of what I want to talk about.”

“I’m sure Black’s team will keep her safe.”

“Shane and Corey don’t trust the poor girl. I understand their skepticism, but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt just like Mom and Dad taught us.”

“Yes, they did teach us that, Belle, but they never knew someone like Kip even existed. I think we should be cautious around Cindy for the time being. You always lead with your heart first, which is why I love you so much, but this time, please lead with your head. Okay?”

“That’s what I’m trying to do when it comes to Shane and Corey. You should’ve seen them. They treated me as if I was made of glass. Once we found out Cindy’s identity, they both kept trying, not so subtly, to keep me away from her as if she could’ve hurt me in her condition. Really, Sis, it was totally ridiculous. I don’t need protection. If anyone needs to be guarded, it is Cindy. Kip told her in the letter that he was coming to meet her.”

“I bet Jason will make sure she is watched over. About Shane and Corey being overprotective…that’s how the men of Destiny operate. I’ve had to get used to it with Emmett, Cody, and Bryant. You will, too.”

“You want me to act like a princess waiting for her knights in shining armor to come rescue her?” She grinned. “You know me better than that. I’m the one who wants to slay the dragon.”

“Hush,” Amber said, looking around the empty room. “You never know who might be listening. If Patrick heard you say that, he’d bring you up on charges.”

Belle laughed. “I know. Okay, I would slay whatever monster showed up. You know what I mean. I’m self-sufficient. Always have been. That’s the way I like it.”

“I know better. Yes, you’re strong. You’ve always been the best sister and have always been there for me. Now, it’s my turn to give you some tough love.” Amber smiled. “When it comes to Shane and Corey, I think your heart needs to be first, not the other way around.”

“They are wonderfully exciting gentlemen. I’ve been so at ease until recently. It seems they both like me, and I definitely like them.”

“That’s a good thing, right?”

“I suppose so. I’ve been having fun, but I think Shane wants to take it to the next level, which you and I both know I can’t do.”

“I don’t know why, Belle.”

“Of course you do. You know everything about me, Amber. You know my entire history.” Belle felt the old sting bubble up inside her. “You know what happened with Stan.”

“Doctor Asshole? The man with the gambling addiction? Yes. I know what happened. You dodged a bullet.”

“Losing him was hard, but it wasn’t what broke my heart. That relationship was clearly doomed from the very beginning.”

“He’s the jerk who pushed you to the curb when you needed him most. He’s a bastard, Belle. I’m glad you’re not with him anymore. You deserve better.”

“Have you forgotten why we broke it off?”

“Yes, because he’s a self-centered dick, that’s why.”

She couldn’t help but grin. Amber always had her back, especially in her darkest time. “That’s true, but I really can’t blame him. We both wanted kids. What crushed me was the fact that I couldn’t have children.”

Amber grabbed her hands. “It still could happen, Belle.”

She shook her head. “With my endometriosis, the odds are better for me winning the lottery than getting pregnant. I’ve had the surgery. I’ve done the hormones. I’ve done everything medicine has to offer. Nothing. It’s never going to happen, Amber. Even though I’ve accepted that fact, I’m still dealing with it. I think about it every day. Having Juan in my life has softened much of the hurt. He’s my boy. I love him with all my heart. I’m ready to pursue adopting him, though I know it will be difficult being a single woman.”

“Have you told Shane and Corey? They clearly are fond of Juan, too. Don’t they deserve the chance to tell you if whether you can have their children or not makes any difference to them? They might be just as happy adopting.”

She shook her head. “Why should I tell them now? Don’t you think it’s way too early for that kind of conversation? Let’s just say I go down the relationship highway with them until I can bring up my illness. Even if they told me it didn’t matter, I would know it really did.”

“You can’t know that, Belle. You aren’t a mind reader.”

“But I do know it. Besides, it still matters to me. I will not take away anyone’s chance at having a child.”

“Does that mean you are only going to get serious with men past their prime, men who have already had children with other women?”