Her sister stepped back from the pan of bacon. “Just a little morning sickness. Smells activate it sometimes.”

“Go sit down. I’ll finish this.” Belle took the spatula from Amber. “I knew I should’ve helped you. You’re the pregnant one.”


Belle leaned over the stove and got a whiff of the bacon. Her stomach turned and she felt acid rise up in her throat. “Oh no. I must be having sympathy nausea. Where are the crackers?”

“That cabinet.” Amber pointed to the one to the right of the stove. “The water is hot in the tea kettle. We can have tea and crackers for breakfast.”

Belle nodded, holding her nose. She turned off the burner and grabbed a package of crackers. “This is crazy. My mind might be past the kidnapping but my stomach certainly isn’t.”

“Has this happened before, Belle?”

She nodded. “Once right after they rescued me and a few times after that.”

Amber started laughing.

“Why are you laughing at me being sick, Sis?” She bit into a cracker, hoping it would settle her upset stomach.

“Because I think you’re pregnant.”

“Amber, don’t get my hopes up for that. I’m happy. I have Juan and Jake. The guys want to adopt more children. It’s enough.”

“It may be enough, but it’s my duty as your little sister to help you find out.” Amber stood. “And we’re going to do that right now.”

“Right now?”

“Yes. I have a pregnancy test I didn’t use. Actually, I have two left. I had three. When I missed my period, all three of them brought one home for me.” She laughed. “I love those three nuts.”

Belle tried to quell the excitement that Amber was stoking. “I can’t be, Sis. You know that.”

The little firecracker put her hands on her hips. “I’m going to give you two choices. One, I take you in my bathroom and you pee on a stick. Two, I call Doc and get him to schedule you an upper and lower GI test. Which will it be?”

“I guess you’ve got me. Let’s get this over with.” Following Amber to the bathroom, Belle counted the days since her last period. She was a week late, but kept that to herself, not wanting to fuel Amber’s excitement. It can’t be. She reminded herself that her cycle had never been regular like her sister’s, just another thing her disease had caused.

Amber opened up the cabinet and brought out the two pregnancy tests. She opened one and handed her the stick. “Pee on this.”

Belle squatted over the toilet and urinated on the stick. Her heart thudded in her chest as she fixed her stare to the result area. Amber peered over her shoulder. They remained frozen in position for what seemed like an eternity.

“Oh my God, Belle. It’s positive.”

“This can’t be right. This must be faulty. Give me another one.”

“You’re kidding, right? You’re a nurse. You know how rare it is for these tests to be positive unless they are positive. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning on a clear day.”

She shook her head. “Hand it over.” After drowning the remaining pregnancy test with her pee, Belle realized the impossible had happened. “I’m pregnant, Amber.”

Her sister hugged her. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Sis.” She winked. “I guess I am the smart one.”

“Oh my God, I can’t believe it. Should I go lie down?”

Amber laughed. “You’re the one who worked in a maternity ward. You tell me?”

Her eyes welled up. “I’m just so happy. I love being sick.”

Tears rolled down Amber’s face. “Me, too.”

My dream has finally come true. “Dream? Pinch me, Sis. Tell me this isn’t a dream.”