He spun her around, remaining behind her.

With her eyes wide open, she took it all in. Even only being up a few feet from the main floor, the stage gave her a better view. She guessed the crowd to be close to one hundred, which seemed like a lot, since Destiny was a small town. But she shouldn’t be surprised since so many residents were members of the club. Thankfully, she only saw a few that she knew well. Paris stood in the corner talking with Jennifer Steele. Neither seemed to notice her or anyone else for that matter.

Corey reached around her and cupped her breasts. A few faces turned her direction and suddenly she couldn’t breathe.

Shane stepped beside her and in his hand was a paddle. “What state are you in?”

How do I answer him?

She’d been a nurse for several years. Her adrenal medulla was in overdrive, pumping more and more of the hormone into her veins. Her training told her that her shallow respiration, elevated temperature and rapid heartbeat were due to the adrenaline coursing through her bloodstream.

Shane moved right in front of her, blocking her view of the rest of the club. She looked up at him and saw in his eyes love and concern. She was safe with him and Corey. Always.

“Sub, I asked you a question. Answer me.” His eyes might’ve had softness but his tone definitely held an edge of frustration.

“Warm, Master. I’m warm.”

“Tell us more, baby.” Corey remained behind her, reaching under her top. He massaged her breasts through the lacy bra they’d also bought her.

“I’m nervous, Sir. Being up on this stage…wasn’t something…I…uh…expected.”

Shane grinned. “Absolutely perfect.” He looked past her to Corey, who remained behind her. “We were right, bro.”

“Yes, we were.”

Right about what? About me?

Shane unbuttoned her top. “You are mine and Corey’s, Belle.”

Corey’s lips feathered against her ear, causing her skin to tingle. “We want to show you off to everyone, sweetheart.”

Their words and touches lit her up like flames to gasoline. She was their wife, their sub, their everything. No matter what happened, that would never change. They’d proven to her again and again how much they loved her.

“Let’s get our baby more comfortable, Corey.” Shane removed her top, and for the first time in her life she was in a public place with only her bra on.

Even though Shane remained in front of her, out of the corner of her eye she saw a few members taking seats right in front of their stage.

They are all less than four feet away. Oh my God.

Telling herself that the bra covered as much as any of her bikini tops, she tried to steady her breathing a bit.

“I’m thinking it’s time to take off her bra, Shane.”

“I completely agree.”

Her breath hitched up in her throat. “Chilly, Sirs.” It came out before she could stop herself.

Corey’s fingers becoming instantly still and Shane’s face tightening with concern made her wish she could take it back.

“Belle, tell us what you’re feeling.” Corey’s gentle demand eased her anxiety a little.

Shane touched her cheek. “What do you need? Are we done?”

Done? No! “I just needed to catch my breath, Sir.”

He nodded and touched her cheek. “What state are you in now, baby?”

She closed her eyes, taking stock of how she was feeling. Even though she was a little apprehensive, delicious tingles were also spreading through her.