moving to something more serious than she wanted.

Amber and two of her three husbands were busy with the plans for the official opening of the Boys Ranch, which was a week before Christmas. More orphan boys would be arriving then, and the dorms had to be completed. Juan was so excited.

My sweet Juan.

He and the other boys were on another dragon hunting quest with Cody Stone, Amber’s most playful spouse. Belle loved all the boys, but especially Juan. He’d been with her the longest. In Chicago, Amber had brought him to her after discovering a drug dealer was using him.

Covered in flour, Paris walked up to her. “You look like something is on your mind. Everything okay?”

Belle loved all the women in Destiny, but especially Paris, whom she’d grown extremely close to. “All good. About to get the girls on making crusts. How’s it going with you?”

“I’m not that good in the kitchen, but thankfully, I’m not the only woman helping the girls at the cookie station. But I wasn’t talking about the baking. You’re wondering about Kip’s sister and if her story is true, aren’t you?”

“You sound like Shane and Corey. Why shouldn’t we believe her?”

“Because she’s Kip’s sister, that’s why. You and I both know—hell, the whole town knows—what kind of man he is. That letter you read doesn’t make any sense to me. Who writes letters today? No one, and definitely not someone like Kip, who is a genius when it comes to computers. Why wouldn’t he have sent her an e-mail or text message?”

“I did think that was strange, but that still doesn’t mean Cindy is lying. She seems so sweet. Didn’t you notice how shaken she was after I read the letter?”

Paris smiled. “You might be a stickler about rules and tough on the outside, Belle, but you have a very soft heart. You want to believe the best about everyone.”

“Why not? Most people are good inside. That’s what I believe.”

“Just be on your guard in case you’re wrong, okay?” Paris pointed behind her. “Your sister just arrived.”

She turned around and saw Amber being greeted by several women.

“I just heard the good news. When’s your baby due, Amber?” one of them from nearby Clover asked.

“June eleventh,” her sister answered. “I can’t wait to be a mother.”

Gretchen walked over to Amber and told her where she was assigned.

Belle was thrilled about the new baby. She and Amber had already painted the nursery a pale green. She couldn’t wait to hold the tiny bundle in her arms. The pending arrival of the newest member of the family also reminded her of her own heartbreak and loss. She’d finally come to accept the reality of what she couldn’t change about herself.

After Gretchen moved on to her next baking station, Amber spotted Belle.

She waved her over.

“I better get back to the cookies,” Paris said. “I’m going to the clinic to check on Cindy after we’ve finished baking. If you want, you could go with me.”

“I definitely want to. You and I could grab a bite at the diner after. I bet you could use a friendly ear, too.”

Paris sighed. “Yes, I could. Doc won’t let up on trying to get me to apply to medical school. He can be such an ass.”

“I think he has your best interests at heart, even if he goes about it in the wrong way.”

“Maybe.” Paris gave her a little wave as she went back to her station.

Amber stepped up. “Hey, Belle.”

“They have apple juice for all the pregnant women, Sis. You want some?”

“I’m fine.”

Belle needed her sister right now more than ever. “Can we talk?”

“Sure. Gretchen told me I’m on cookie icing duty, which will be starting in about thirty minutes. Is that enough time?”