She kissed him lightly on the lips. “And you get one, too.”

Shane grabbed her hand. “It’s about where we’re going to live.”

Corey leaned over to her. “We talked with the Stones, and they would be happy to deed us a couple of acres to build a house on.”

“We think Juan and Jake would like being close to the other boys.” Shane smiled. “How would you like to live at the Boys Ranch?”

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” She hugged them both. “I would love that.”

Corey put his arm around her. “Tonight, we stay at our house in town with Juan and Jake. Shane and I wanted our little family together alone for one night.”

Shane nodded. “After that, we’ll move up to the ranch and stay in the spare apartment in the dormitory.” The place had been built to accommodate double the number of boys that were currently living there, and there were two apartments inside for the dorm supervisors. “That way, Juan and Jake will have time to adjust to us and still continue to be with the boys.”

Jaris and Chance lived in one of the apartments but the other one was vacant. The two men and their sweet guide dogs would make great neighbors.

“You two take such good care of me and our boys. I think it’s a wonderful plan.”

Shane looked pleased. “Good. That’s settled.”

Amber walked up to them carrying two steaming cups. “Hot chocolate, anyone?”

“I’d love some, Sis.” She took one of the cups. The air was crisp but not too cold.

“None for me, Amber.” Shane kissed Belle. “We better go help, Corey.

“You stay here, sweetheart, with your sister.” Corey pressed his lips tenderly to hers.

Knowing how protective he and Shane were, she said, “I will.”

Her two guys trotted off to help Santa.

Amber took a sip from her mug. “What a night, Belle.”

“The best ever.” Watching Shane and Corey hoist Juan and Jake up into the sleigh thrilled her. “I feel like my life is so complete, Sis, except one thing is missing.” Belle knew Amber would understand. “Is that terrible to say?”

“Of course, not. After all you been through, you have a right to feel or say anything. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

“I love them so much, but they keep treating me like I’m made of porcelain. I’m not that fragile, Amber. I know they are members at Phase Four and I know that they are in the lifestyle. Why haven’t they brought me there?”

“I’m sure they have their reasons, Sis. They are Doms. Take it from me, a woman who has three of her own. They’ll come around. It really is a big step.”

“Maybe so, but look at you. We share DNA. Can you imagine what I’m going through? I am desperate to experience Shane and Corey’s life. All of it.”

“Have you talked to them about how you’re feeling?”

“No. I don’t want them to think I don’t enjoy our sex life because I do. Very much.”

“You simply must be honest with them, Belle. True Doms would understand. If this is something you need to experience, that’s what they need, too. That’s what fulfills Doms, making sure their sub is totally fulfilled.”

“When did you get so smart? You’re the little sister, not me.”

“You said it yourself, Belle. We share DNA.”

Chapter Nineteen

Inside their apartment at the Boys Ranch, Corey studied the preliminary blueprints with Shane that Lucas had drawn up for the new house they were going to build for Belle and their boys. Lucas had done a rush job on it for them. He was a good friend.

“You know, our lovely wife’s input is all over this design, Shane.” He looked at all the colored sticky notes with her handwriting that dotted the pages, making it look a little like a patchwork quilt.