Chapter Eighteen

Silver Spoon Bridge still had to be repaired from the explosion. According to all indications, the bridge wouldn’t be navigable until sometime in June or July. The logistics about getting people and goods into Destiny had been quite an ordeal, but with the Golds and Knights on the job, everything had been worked out. Until the bridge was fully repaired, getting in and out of Destiny required travel via boats from the fishing dock on the other side of the lake to Lover’s Beach. The boys didn’t mind one bit.

Hearing them singing Jingle Bells at the top of their lungs made Shane laugh. He’d never seen such excitement in a group of kids in his life.

Landing at the beach, the boys marched to the two vans his dads had loaned to the Boys Ranch for transport in town.

Belle sat between him and Corey in the lead van.

Cody Stone directed the choir from the front seat, also singing quite loud. Bryant drove. Emmett and Amber were with the rest of the boys in the other van.

Belle leaned into him and whispered. “The boys are so excited about seeing Santa Claus and having a party.”

“Yes they are.” Shane looked over at Juan and Jake, their two sons. He was overcome with love for them. “Corey, I can’t wait to see our boys’ faces when Santa brings them their special present, can you?”

“I haven’t been this excited about the O’Learys’ Christmas party since I was a kid and we got our puppy.”

“Me either.”

Belle shook her head. “Stop it, you two. I’m dying of anticipation.”

He and Corey had the best wife any two men could ask for in Belle. She was all he needed for the next hundred Christmases.

As the vans turned onto O’Leary Circle, Shane looked at all the cars parked up and down the street. Like every year, the entire town came to the O’Learys on Christmas Day. Destonians loved spending time together. Since these young men were the town’s most special guests this year, parking spaces were reserved for their vans.

Bryant drove through the gates to the O’Learys’ estate.

“Is that a real dragon, Juan?” Jake pointed out the window to the thirteen-foot tall bronze statue, the largest dragon depiction in town.

“No, but Mr. Patrick says it looks just like the dragon that rescued him back when he was in the Korean War.”

“Wow. Is this Mr. Patrick’s castle?”

Shane thought it was a fair question, since the O’Leary home looked gothic and was so massive.

“Yes, Jake,” Juan answered. “It’s his castle. His and Mr. Sam’s and Miss Ethel’s.”

Though some of the boys had seen the O’Learys’ home during the Halloween party, for the later arrivals to the ranch like Jake, this was their first time.

“Boys, remain in your seats until the van stops.” Belle knew just what to say to get the kids to settle down. “I know you are excited, but safety first.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they said together.

Amber added, “And when we’re inside, you need to be on your best behavior.”

Again, they responded like little gentlemen with, “Yes, ma’am.”

As the boys filed up to the door, their eyes were as wide as could be, taking in all the O’Learys’ holiday decorations. They had the top-of-the-line animatronics fit for any theme park in the country. Elves popped out of boxes. Deer grazed on the snow-covered lawn. Angels flew down from hidden wires suspended from the trees.

He and Corey kept Belle between them. Protecting her was a lifelong joy, but they both would remain especially vigilant until Lunceford was captured or was dead.

The giant double doors opened and Ethel, dressed as Mrs. Santa as she was every year, greeted them. “Merry Christmas, boys. Come in. Come in. Everyone has been anxiously awaiting your arrival.”

As they walked in, the boys noticed they all had stockings hanging from the banister. The smiles on their faces were priceless.

“You may grab your stockings as you come in, young men.”

The boys’ comments warmed all their hearts.