I have no family. You’re the only one left. I ask you to keep this letter secret because there are people looking for me. Yes, I’ve done some terrible things in my life. If you do a Google search, you’ll see tons of write-ups about me—some true, most exaggerated.

I’m sorry for all the wrongs I’ve done, but believe me, I’m a changed person now.

To prove my intentions are pure, I’ve left a present for you. Enclosed is a key to a mailbox at a UPS location in Seattle. Your gift is inside. I wish I could’ve brought it to you or gotten it closer to your home, but things are a little difficult at the moment for me.

I’ve also attached the directions to the store and number of the box.

I want to meet you. When the time is right, I will come to you.

Looking forward to meeting you in person.


Your brother,


Cindy looked visibly shaken. “So you see why I came to see Mr. Black. I’m terrified Kip will find me.”

Corey knew the woman’s letter might just be the lead the team needed to capture Kip. Was the bastard really in Seattle?

Chapter Three

Belle sipped her wine, taking a break from peeling apples. Her hand was beginning to ache. Thank God, she had a team of helpers that had been assigned by the two women who were in charge of the event. The matriarchs of the town, both in their eighties, were the sweetest women she’d ever known.

Gretchen Hollingsworth, being a miracle worker in the kitchen, was the lead today. Ethel O’Leary, known for throwing the best parties, would be in charge tomorrow of the Thanksgiving meal.

Gretchen, carrying a clipboard, came over to her station. “Are these dear girls doing a good job for you, Belle?”

She nodded, looking at the three young women that had been recruited from Destiny High. “They are doing a wonderful job. They are the best apple peelers in the county and deserve a blue ribbon.”

The girls smiled broadly.

“That’s great. How are you doing on time?”

“We’re about done peeling the apples. I’ll start them on making the crusts next.”

Gretchen looked down at her notes. “Your pies are scheduled for ovens three and four at five sharp.”

“We’ll be ready, won’t we, girls?”

“Yes,” the trio said in unison.

Gretchen smiled and went to the next station, where the pumpkin pies were being made. Betty Anderson and her daughter Kaylyn were in charge of more high school girls who were helping.

“Girls, I’m going to stretch my legs. You finish up and come get me when you’re done.”

“We will, Miss White.” Rylie Gold was a senior at the high school and the daughter of Zac Gold. She was quite a beauty and quite charming. Mr. Gold was a single parent who was clearly doing a wonderful job with Rylie.

Belle grabbed her wine and walked around the Dream Hotel’s kitchen.

At the chocolate cake station, Jena Dixon-MacCabe and her mom were surrounded by a group of students, including Jena’s five-year-old daughter, Kimmie.

At other stations around the kitchen were women who had become friends to Belle. Jennifer Steele, owner of Steele Ranch, and Phoebe Blue, fiancée to the Wolfe brothers and sister to Shane and Corey, were in charge of the brownies. Megan Knight, Nicole Coleman, and Erica Strange were tackling Belle’s least favorite dessert. Minced Meat Pie. Yuck.

You should’ve been here by now, Amber. Where are you?

Belle was anxious to talk to her sister about what had happened with Shane and Corey. It was clear that things were