“Look what Juan and Jake made for you, sweetheart.” Corey pointed to the sign that hung on the new dormitory.

Her heart swelled as she read the sign.

Welcome home, Mom.

Corey parked the truck and Shane stepped out, holding the door for her.

“Mom. Mom.” Juan wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

Little Jake copied Juan, like kids do. He grabbed onto her leg. “Mommy. Mommy. You’re home. You’re home.”

She kissed them both, knowing these were her boys and she could never let them go. She turned to Corey and Shane. What will my men think of that? They’d already told her that they were ready to adopt Juan. That was a big step. Adopting two?

Corey lifted Jake up into his arms. “I think it’s time to take this cowboy on a dragon hunt, Shane. Do you agree?”

Shane put his arm around Juan. “Maybe we should ask his big brother. What do you think, Juan?”

“Yes, Dad. Please. Could it just be us men, you, me, Pop Corey, and Jake?” Juan turned to her. “Is that okay, Mom? We really need some male bonding time.”

She smiled. What a smart boy. Clearly, Juan was several steps ahead of all of them.

“Of course it’s okay, son.” She grabbed his and Jake’s hand.

“Really?” Jake’s eyes were wider than she’d ever seen them before.

“Yes.” She kissed him on the forehead. “But the next time I’m going with you. You know how much I love dragon hunting.”

“And I love you, mommy.”

“I love you, Jake.” Tears welled up in her eyes as the rest of her welcome party surrounded her.

* * * *

Inside the dormitory, Shane watched Belle tuck in the last of the little cowboys. He couldn’t get over how lucky he was to have her.

Corey was walking around the property with the Stone brothers making sure no intruders lurked in the darkness. Precaution was the name of the game until Lunceford and his sister were captured.

Jaris sat next to Shane with Sugar, his German shepherd, at their feet. “Long day for these little guys.”

“Yes it has been. Everyone is thrilled that you and Chance have agreed to be dorm supervisors at the Boys Ranch. You and Chance have been lifesavers staying here with the boys.”

“We were restless. After I finished my training with Chance, we were already in talks with Kaylyn about coming to work for her to help train guide dogs.” Jaris leaned down and petted Sugar. “Though I think the dogs train us, if the truth be known. Chance and I needed a place to stay and what better place than with these young men. So when the opportunity knocked, we came running. We’re the lucky ones. Not only do we have a place to stay, but we also have the boys to help with the dogs. Kaylyn is really excited about the new training. It’s great to be in partnership with her on this endeavor.”

Shane sensed something in Jaris’s tone that told him it was more than just a partnership to Jaris. The man clearly felt more for Kaylyn than just a business associate. “Sounds like you and Chance have grown quite close, Jaris.”

Jaris nodded. “He’s my brother. Losing my sight was tough. Not being a cop was even harder. He helped me through so much.”

“Ditto, buddy.” Chance walked over to them with Annie. “I had no idea I was black until you told me.”

They all laughed.

Jaris shook his head. “How would I know if you are black or not, Chance? I was blind when I met you.”

“Ah, that’s right. I’m the one who told you. Since the boys are all tucked in, we better get to familiarizing ourselves with the building, Jaris.”

Jaris stood up. “Shane, I’m still new to being sightless. Chance may have signed off on my training, but he will make sure I count every step in this place. I’m Luke Skywalker to his Yoda. By New Year’s, I’ll know every nook and cranny of this place. The boys won’t be able to pull the wool over our eyes, so to speak.”

Corey walked in. “Hey, fellas.”