She closed her eyes, feeling completely relieved that her boy was in good hands.

Corey pressed his lips to hers. “It’s all over, sweetheart.”

Shane squeezed her hand. “We have you, and you’re safe now.”

Chapter Seventeen

Sitting at the local diner in Riverton, Shane held Belle’s hand and his brother kept his arm around her shoulder. He and Corey had kept Belle between them ever since finding her at Kip’s secret location. They’d lost her once. They would never let that happen again.

Black and Jason hadn’t returned from finishing up the paperwork with Sheriff Rose at his office. Corey, as a US marshal, should’ve gone with them, too, but had refused, unwilling to leave Belle.

She looked around the table at the rest of the team. “I know I’ve said it already, but thank you all for everything. I can’t express how grateful I am for what you did for me.”

Jo smiled. “Just doing our job, Belle.”

Shane knew it was more than just duty with the team. They cared about Destiny and cared about its citizens. He owed them. Without Shannon’s Elite, the mission to save Belle would’ve failed.

Ten dead mobsters.

The team had proven themselves, though Kip was still missing and Cindy had escaped. They’d all gotten notified on their ROCs moments ago that the helicopter had been found abandoned in Idaho. Like the rest of Shannon’s Elite, Shane believed Kip and his sister must be hiding out somewhere in the Northwest.

The doctor was in custody, but so far, hadn’t given them anything useful that would help them find the two fugitives.

Belle’s bravery amazed all of them. Her account of how she’d never given up, always looking for some way to escape, made him fall even deeper in love with her. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Knowing she was a bone marrow match for the son of a bitch didn’t sit well with either him or Corey. The entire team would be assigned to protect Belle until the SOB and his crazy sister were captured. Black had contacted Langley about the other two matches in the registry. They would be protected as well.

The waitress brought their meals. “Two ham and cheese sandwiches with fries?”

“That’s me,” Matt answered.

“And me.” Sean nodded.

“Rib-eye steak medium rare?”

Dylan turned his head to her, still wearing his sunglasses, though it was nighttime. “Thank you.”

The waitress passed out the rest of the food, placing the cheeseburger in front of Belle.

“Looks delicious.” She turned to him. “I’m starving.”

“Me, too.” His stomach growled, reminding him how long it had been since he’d eaten. “No wonder, baby. We didn’t get to have our lunch at Phong’s.”

Everyone began devouring his or her meal, except Belle, whose face suddenly turned white.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Corey asked. “Something wrong with your food?”

She shook her head. “I took a whiff and got queasy. I guess I’m still shook up from all that has happened. That poor deputy.” Her eyes welled up. “If I hadn’t pulled the wires on the brake light, he might’ve—”

“Sweetheart, take a couple of sips of water and breathe.” Knowing the trauma she’d endured, Shane wanted to help her through all the aftermath. “Deputy Clarkson didn’t pull Cindy over for faulty brake lights, Belle. Even though it was smart thinking to try to escape, very smart, the entire state of Wyoming was on the lookout for her car.”

“That helps, Shane. I’m feeling a little better now.”

“Would you like something else, Belle?” Jo asked from across the table. “Maybe some soup?”

“This is fine. I think I’ll eat a few bites and see how it goes. I might have to get a takeout box.”

Jason, Black, and Sheriff Rose came into the restaurant.