“Of course I was tested, bitch, but Kip and I are only half siblings. I would give my life for him, but it turns out that you will be the one to do that instead of me.”

“Wait. I don’t have to give my life. This is a simple procedure.” Belle still didn’t like the idea of anything from her body saving that monster. “Cindy, donating bone marrow doesn’t end the life of the donor.”

“Shut the fuck up. Of course I know that. But this is a special circumstance, and my brilliant brother doesn’t ever leave loose ends. You are the perfect match, bitch.”

Belle’s head was spinning and her heart was racing. She spotted the table with the surgical implements. They were two steps to her left. The doctor was reading a chart, likely Kips.

I need to keep her talking. If I can just get my hands on one of those scalpels…“Was anything you told us true?”

“Some. Kip is my half brother. He changed my identity after he executed our father and his mother. He’d rescued me from a foster home when I was a teenager. He helped me find my mother. The bitch abandoned me when I was five years old.” Cindy’s voice became lyrical. “She had to die. She was my first.”

Belle gulped, realizing what first must mean.

“Seeing the horror in her eyes when I put the knife to her throat was such a pleasure. Nothing like losing your virginity, is there?”

She’s completely insane. Belle took a deep breath. Insane or not, keep her talking. Sooner or later, they must intend to kill me. “How can you be sure I’m a match?” She started to take a step to the instrument table, but the doctor suddenly glanced up from the chart.

She froze, praying for him to look down again.

“Not that it matters one way or the other whether you know or not, but you certainly must realize my brother is a genius. Kip hacked into the national bone marrow registry and found you and two other matches, but of course he chose you.”

Belle had signed up with the national bone marrow registry when she’d worked in her ex’s practice.

Ninety-three percent of patients were able to find one or two matches from the ten million plus potential registered donors. Kip found three.

Why do evil people like Lunceford always seem to be able to cheat the odds?

The doctor’s eyes lowered back to the chart.

Cindy typed away on the keyboard, obviously still troubled about something. “I’m sure you know the reason he chose you over the other two, Belle.”

“Because I’m from the town he’s at war with.” Belle inched quietly closer to the table of instruments.

“For an idiot, you’re not as dumb as you seem.” Cindy’s tone had a noticeable edge of frustration. “Where is he?”

Kip isn’t here.

She didn’t bother looking at Belle, her attention glued to the monitor.

Obviously, the lunatic feels secure that I won’t try to escape.

Belle held her breath, keeping her eyes on Cindy and the doctor.

Just a little closer…

A face she’d only seen in a picture on the cover of Destiny Daily appeared on the monitor.

Kip Lunceford!

The doctor looked up from the charts.

“Kip, where are you?” The relief in Cindy’s voice was obvious.

Oh God, I have to escape. I have to survive this. I have to live. For Juan. For Shane and Corey. Even for me.

The murdering bastard’s face was tight with frustration. “Get out now. I didn’t plan for Shannon’s Elite placing a tracker on your car, Cindy.”

“Why didn’t you contact me, brother?”