Belle climbed out. Her leg muscles were stiff from being cramped during the long ride.

The land was quite flat. This definitely wasn’t Colorado.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, she could see the area was quite remote.

They were parked in front of a nondescript-looking building.

To her left were a couple of black sedans. To her right was a helicopter.

Is Kip inside?

Trollinger holstered her gun, which surprised Belle though it was clear the woman was still in charge. Cindy had the two men by her side. There were also three heavily armed goons on the rooftop that Belle had noticed. Who knew how many more were in the building?

“Belle, welcome to location zero-zero-seven.”

She didn’t miss the reference to James Bond. More of Lunceford’s arrogance, no doubt.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“For my brother, of course.” Cindy turned to the two thugs. “Get her into the building.” The woman didn’t wait to see if her orders were followed, but instead marched off to the entrance.

The one whose arms were covered in tats glared at her. “You heard the lady, vozlyublennaya.”

Russian mobsters.

Belle was aware of what had happened to Phoebe in Chicago. It was well known that Mitrofanov’s son Anton had betrayed his father. Anton was obviously still working with Lunceford.

Walking between the two men, Belle’s thoughts were of Shane and Corey. In her heart, she had no doubt they—at this very moment—were using every means at their disposal to try to find her. Her guys were not the kind of men who gave up. But even with Black’s help, how could Shane and Corey discover this remote place?

Somehow, she had to find a way to escape this nightmare.

I wish I knew how to fly a helicopter.

Of course, she didn’t.

Her only hope was to get the keys to one of the cars, break free of Cindy and her thugs, and drive like hell out of here.

It was a long shot, but the only one she had left.

The two mobsters walked her down a hallway and through a set of doors. Cindy stood in front of a monitor and keyboard. The room was set up with the latest high-tech medical equipment.

It’s an operating room. Maybe Kip actually did have leukemia. Is that why Cindy brought me here?

“I’m a nurse, but I can’t perform a bone marrow transplant. You need a doctor for that. Someone who specializes in that kind of procedure.”

The lunatic shoved Belle a good ten feet away by the surgical table. “You are not performing the procedure, you idiot. You are the donor.”

Belle couldn’t wrap her head around what she’d just been told. “That’s impossible. I can’t be a match for Lunceford.”

“Yes, it’s possible. By now you realize you cannot escape. I have ten heavily armed men here under my command that will ensure you stay put.” Cindy placed her gun on the counter and began typing furiously on the keyboard, staring up at its monitor.

A man in scrubs walked into the room.

Cindy looked over her shoulder at her, a horrific, twisted grin spreading across her face. “Doctor.” She turned to the two mobsters. “This bitch isn’t going anywhere. Go check with Zakhar. See if he’s heard from Kip. He should’ve been here by now.”

The two men nodded and left.

“This has to be a mistake, Cindy. You’re Lunceford’s sister. The odds are you would be a match. Have you been tested?”