Belle grinned. “We’re only here for the delicious Chinese food. That’s all. Shane and Corey promised it would only be an hour. If they try to keep me longer, I’ll definitely let you know.”

“You’ve got a deal.” Nicole had her ROC out, which impressed him.

Like the rest of the team, Nicole was working day and night to find something that would lead them to Lunceford. So far—nothing.

The mystery man’s footprints hadn’t helped them a bit. Neither had the knowledge that Kip allegedly wanted Cindy’s bone marrow. Truthfully, they hadn’t even been able to verify the bastard had leukemia. Dead ends were all they were finding on this case, and it was driving them all crazy.

Melissa Phong, Hiro’s wife, came out of the back. “Sit anywhere you like.”

Shane selected a booth at the far back corner of the restaurant.

He sat next to Belle, and Corey sat across from them.

Melissa brought them menus. “Belle, how’s your little hero doing?”

“He’s ready to get back to the ranch. Thank you for coming to the Boys Ranch opening. Your support means so much to us.”

“Of course. The work you and your sister do with those boys is wonderful. Let me get you some jasmine tea and I’ll give you a few minutes to decide on your meal.”

Corey handed his menu back to her. “No need for me. You already know what I want.”

Melissa smiled. “Chicken chow mein, right?”

“You got it.”

The woman turned to Shane. “You always get orange pork or kung pao beef.”

“Orange pork tonight.” He had always treasured the matriarch of the Phong clan since he was a boy.

“Belle, you never stray from sesame chicken. Correct?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“I bet Juan told you to bring back fortune cookies, didn’t he?”

“How do you keep everyone’s favorite straight in your head, Melissa?”

“I’m smart, that’s how.” The woman laughed and headed back to the kitchen.

Shane turned to Belle. “Now that we’re alone, it’s time to tell you the real reason we brought you here.”

“I thought we were here for lunch.”

“True, but I’m known for not beating around the bush.” He placed his hand over hers. “We had a great talk the other night. Corey and I felt like we have everything hashed out between us. But we can tell you are once again holding something back.”

Corey leaned forward, taking her other hand. “We don’t want any walls between us. We are family now. You are ours. Don’t you trust us?”

She took a deep breath as her eyes welled up with tears. “It’s not a matter of trust. I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“We know you can’t have children, sweetheart.” Shane hated seeing the suffering on her face. “We do not care. As we’ve said before, we have Juan. He’s our son. We’ll adopt.”

“I know you feel that way now. What happens ten years from now? Will you look at me differently then? Will you regret your decision?” She began to tremble. “I love you both so much. I do not want to deny you that pleasure. I’ve been through this before. Did you know I was married once? A doctor. I cared for him but not even a fraction as much as I care for you. When I couldn’t give him children we both knew what we’d had was over. It kills me to think of you out of my life, but every day I am falling even deeper in love with you.” Her voice shook and turned to a whisper. “You’re the most wonderful men I’ve ever known. Saying good-bye will destroy me, but you deserve a woman who can give you children.”

“I love you, Belle. And I am going to go over this one more time.” Shane touched her cheek. “But you hear me now. This is the last time we bring this up again.”

“I agree with my brother, sweetheart.” Corey leaned forward. “You are my heart, my soul mate, my everything. I won’t spend a single day without you in my life.”