“Mom, the movie just started.” Juan smiled. “It’s about kids who become cowboys. Do you want to watch it with us?”

“I do, but first, I need to talk to Shane and Corey.” Juan had been through so much already. Even as brave and mature as her twelve-year-old boy was, she didn’t want to scare him. “Give us a minute, sweetheart.”

Shane and Corey didn’t ask any questions before walking out the door with her.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Shane always did seem to see into her.

“Cindy just got a phone call from Kip.” She handed him Trollinger’s cell. “The bastard has leukemia. He wants her to be his donor.”

Corey’s face darkened. “How does he know she’s a match?”

“I doubt he does.” Working in her ex’s hematology practice had increased Belle’s knowledge about the disease. She knew that siblings and family members increased the odds for a perfect match. “Cindy is likely his best chance.”

Corey pulled out a device that she’d learned was called a ROC. “Dylan put a tracer on her cell. With any luck, we might have the origination point of the call.”

“Honey, you did good. This might be the best chance we’ve had to catch Lunceford.” Shane waved Jonas and Cooper over.

“What’s up?” Jonas asked.

Shane and Corey filled them in on the call from Kip.

Cooper nodded. “Sounds like we need to up our game.”

Corey looked at the screen of his ROC. “Black already knows about the call from Kip. He’s on his way here now with the rest of the team.”

Chapter Fourteen

Shane took Belle by the hand and led her out of the courthouse. Corey walked on the other side of their dream woman.

“Please, promise we won’t be gone long.” Belle’s concern for Juan was just one of the things he loved about her.

“You call us overprotective.” Shane grinned. “You should look in the mirror, baby.”

“Doc is releasing Juan tomorrow, honey.” Corey put his arm around her shoulders. “He is fine. Besides, Cooper and Jonas promised to keep an eye on him for us.”

“I know, but I can’t help it. He’s my boy.”

Corey nodded. “He’s our boy, too.”

“Don’t forget that we promised to bring him sweet and sour chicken and as many fortune cookies as Mr. Phong would allow us to have.” She smiled, but Shane sensed something behind her seemingly happy demeanor that troubled him.

She was still holding back. He and Corey both knew it. With Juan’s release tomorrow, they’d decided now was the best time to confront her before her schedule got crazy.

He kissed her. “Let’s walk to the Wok.”

She grinned. “The snow looks beautiful in the park, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it does.” He glanced over at the statue of the Blue Dragon, also known as Mother Dragon. She had a tuft of snow on her wings that only added to her regal stature.

They headed down South Street to their destination—Phong’s Wok.

The place was empty save one table by the front door.

Wearing her deputy sheriff uniform, Nicole Flowers sat alone finishing her lunch. “I can’t believe you finally convinced Belle to leave the courthouse. How did you do it?”

“We can be quite persuasive, deputy.” Shane squeezed Belle’s hand. “She needed to get some fresh air and stretch her legs. We weren’t going to take no for an answer.”

Nicole smiled and turned to Belle. “If these two are harassing you in any way, just let me know. I’ll arrest them. Just say the word.”