Ethel added, “Don’t hesitate to call us.”

“Thank you. I will. But I’m sure Corey, Shane, and I have things covered.”

Corey, Shane, and I? The words came out as naturally as could be. She was surprised how right they felt on her lips. “Please tell everyone thanks for coming and showing their support.”

Doc put his arm around Gretchen and Ethel’s shoulders. “Belle, if you don’t mind, I’ll fill everyone in on Juan’s condition. Then I can send them all home.”

“I don’t mind.”

“That’s good,” Doc said. “I’ve already got wind that Juan is going to be on the front page of tomorrow’s Destiny Daily.”

She smiled. “He’ll love that.”

“Seriously, Belle. My brother had a snakebite last year and we pulled him through just fine. We’ll do the same for Juan.”

“Thank you, Doc.”

Leading Gretchen and Ethel to the courtroom, Doc walked down the hallway the opposite direction Cindy and Jason had left.

Amber gave her a hug. “I love you, Sis.”

“I love you, too.”

Her sister followed Doc and the ladies, leaving Belle alone with Corey.

“Honey, I’m going to put you in the recliner. After we finish eating whatever Shane brings us, you’re going to close your eyes.” Corey kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll take the first shift with our boy. You need to get a little sleep. I know you are exhausted.”

God, he was such a loving man, always looking out for her. “Corey, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been there.”

He smiled. “I was there, baby. By your side. That’s where you and I belong. Together


She felt tingles all over her body. I’m in way too deep. “Let’s go back in.”

He nodded and opened the door.

Belle walked in and the first thing she saw was Juan smiling.

“Once I get your hero badge, I want you to wear it everywhere.” Shane was leaning over the bed, holding Juan’s unbitten hand. “I want to make sure everyone shows you the respect and honor you deserve. You saved a life today. You’ve got the courage of ten men in my estimation, son.”

Her heart swelled in her chest for Shane.

Juan spotted her. “Mom, Shane is going to get me a hero badge to wear.”

“I heard.” She moved next to Shane, gazing down at their little champion.

Corey moved to her other side. “Guess what, Juan?”

His eyes were wide with wonder. “What?”

“You’re going to be on the front page of the paper tomorrow.”

“I am?”

“You are.”

Belle leaned down and kissed Juan. “Close your eyes, baby.” She pulled up his covers, like she did every night. “Time to go to sleep.”