“It’s odd this time of year for a snake to bite, but it does happen sometimes.” Cody retrieved the rattlesnake and cut off its head. “Bring this back with you to Doc Ryder. I’ll take care of the rest of the boys. You two go. Get Juan to town.”

Juan’s breathing became somewhat labored.

Corey bent down.

“I’m going to cut your shirt off of you now, honey.” Belle brought out some scissors from her bag. “Your arm is swelling and we don’t want it to cause any constriction.”

When she was done, Corey lifted the little dragon hunter into his arms, heading to the horses. “I love you, buddy. Just hang on. You’re in good hands.”

Chapter Ten

Several hours had passed since that damn rattler had bitten Belle’s sweet boy. Juan’s hand and arm had nearly doubled in size by the time they’d arrived. Her nurse’s training had kicked in the very instant she’d heard little Jake scream even though she was terrified for Juan.


e watched Paris check Juan’s IV drip. This was the hardest thing she’d ever faced in her life. Thank God, she didn’t have to do it alone.

Amber was in the chair reading a magazine. Her sister had driven down with them in the Boys Ranch van. Amber’s support meant the world to her.

Belle glanced over at Corey, who hadn’t left her and Juan’s sides.

He turned to her. “Our little guy has finally fallen asleep.”

Corey had been so amazing with Juan, holding him in his arms while riding down the mountain on his horse. She’d followed, making sure to keep smiling in case Juan glanced at her.

Shane came into the room for the umpteenth time. “How’s he doing?”

She smiled. “He’s resting. Black is going to fire you if you keep leaving your station, Agent Blue.”

Shane came over and put his arm around her. “I don’t think so. Jason’s got it covered. I’m allowed breaks. Besides, this little hero is more important to me than anything else at the moment.”

He’s right. Juan is a hero.

Juan had saved Jake. She hated seeing him like this, but knew he was getting the best care available. Plus, the entire town was in the courtroom, which was doubling as a waiting room at the moment, lending their prayers and support.

Paris grabbed her hand and squeezed. “He’s doing great, Belle. Doc should be in any minute to talk to you.”

Belle was glad to have such a good friend. “I’m so glad you’re here, Paris. It means the world to me.”

“I’m going to stay all night, Belle. I would tell you to go home and get some rest but I know you won’t.”

“You’re right about that.”

“I’ll bring you a pillow and a blanket after I check on my other patient.” Paris left the room, heading to Cindy Trollinger.

“My shift ends in twenty minutes. I’ll go get us something from the diner to eat.” Shane’s eyes never left Juan. His concern for him nearly moved her to tears. “What would you like, Belle?”

“Anything.” She’d planned on breaking up with him and Corey tonight, but the snake had derailed that plan.

After seeing how Shane and Corey were with Juan, she wasn’t sure how she could bring herself to end it with them. Ever.

She knew in her heart it was wrong to let it go on like this. Maybe Amber was right. Maybe she just needed to tell them her truth. Maybe it would work out. Maybe they would be okay with adopting. That’s a ton of “maybes,” Belle. But she just couldn’t bring herself to take away the chance for Shane and Corey to father their own children. It would be completely selfish of her to do so. They would choose her no matter what. But that wouldn’t be fair to them. Telling them she couldn’t have children wouldn’t dissuade them one bit. She had to find another way to end it with them. It was the best thing to do.

I’ll wait for just the right time to break it off. Now is not that time.

Doc Ryder came in with Juan’s chart in his hand. “It’s good to see my patient resting,” he said in a hushed tone.

“Paris just checked his vitals,” Corey told him.