She still had that odd feeling that there was more to Cindy than she was sharing. But was that her heart or her head talking? She was so mixed up with everything that was going on with Corey and Shane that she wasn’t sure.

Wouldn’t talking with Cindy help clear up any doubt about the woman’s story? If there was more to learn, now was as good a time as any to discover it. Destiny was Belle’s home now. If she could find out anything that might bring the town’s most wanted monster to justice, she wanted to try.

“Cindy, I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”

“You’re a wonderful person, Belle.” Cindy grabbed her hands and squeezed. A single tear fell from one of her eyes. “I lost a child a few months ago. A miscarriage.”

Belle couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to lose a baby. With all her heart, she felt for the woman. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you. I wanted the baby more than you can imagine. The father isn’t in the picture and I knew it would be difficult raising a child on my own. But I wanted to. Can you understand that?”

She nodded, feeling her own eyes well up with tears of regret.

“But now I think it might’ve been for the best, Belle. Kip Lunceford is my brother. We have the same genes. What if my child turned out to be like that monster?” Cindy’s voice shook. “I’ve always wanted children. My whole life. I just wanted to be a mother. It might be old fashioned, but it’s true. Now, I’m afraid to bring a baby into the world. I’m thinking about talking to Doctor Ryder about tying my tubes.”

“Cindy, don’t do anything permanent. I don’t think there’s anything genetic with Kip. I just think he’s a selfish, mean bastard. I’m sure the prison system has run tests on him. I doubt there is anything you need to worry about.”

“I hope you’re right, but I just don’t know what to think anymore, Belle.”

“Having a baby is the most wonderful, rewarding feeling a woman can have. Back in Chicago, I worked in a maternity ward for several years. I’ve seen that special bond that only comes when a mother holds her baby for the first time. It’s the closest thing to the divine that exists on earth. No words can express what a woman feels when she carries life inside her for nine months. She’s the conduit to the world for her baby. Even after the birth, a mother never ceases to feel that magical connection. I’m so sorry you lost your baby. But there is time for you to have children, many, if you want.”

“How many children do you have?”

Paris walked in, saving her from sharing her horrible truth with Cindy.

* * * *

Corey threw another log on the campfire he and the boys had built.

Off to his left, Cody had a group of three of the young hunters looking at rocks, though according to Cody they were clearly dragon fossils.

To Corey’s right, Belle was keeping the rest of the young dragon hunters in line perfectly.

They were gobbling up their hotdogs and chips as fast as they could, anxious to get some last minute hunting in before they had to head back to the Boys Ranch.

All Belle needed to do was give them a stern look and they would settle down. A smile from her, and they would do anything she asked.

He couldn’t get over how wonderful Belle was with Juan and the other orphans. Raising a family with her and Shane would be wonderful. Though Belle had never said she wanted to adopt Juan, Corey and Shane were pretty sure she did. That suited both of them just fine since they already felt a fatherly attachment to the boy.

Little Jake came up to Corey, his big brown eyes wide. “May I give the horses some carrots? Miss Belle brought some but told me I had to ask you first. My horse is hungry from all the dragon hunting.”

He rustled the kid’s hair. “Sure, but take Juan with you.”

“Yes, sir.” Grinning from ear to ear, Jake ran off to get Juan.

“I’ve got your plate ready, Corey.” Belle waved him over to the blanket she’d spread out for the meal.

The boys were already done and off checking out the perimeter of the site for any signs of dragon tracks, their pockets full of cookies.

Even after riding for an hour, Belle looked as beautiful as could be.

“We’ll head back in about fifteen minutes, sweetheart. That’ll put us back at dusk.”

She smiled, handing him a plate. “The boys had such fun today.”

“Cody knows how to mesmerize them almost as well as Patrick O’Leary.”

“He does sound like a true believer, doesn’t he?”