“You’re wrong, Shane. Her timing couldn’t be better.” Belle sighed. “If you’ll let me out, I need to talk to your parents.”

He slipped out of the booth, standing by his mother. “Tomorrow we talk.”

“That’s the Boys Ranch opening, Shane.”

“Right. Okay, but we are not done, Belle.” He walked away without another word.

She was quaking inside. She’d dodged a bullet, but how many more times would she be so lucky?

“Belle, I didn’t mean to interrupt. We can talk later.” Alice loved her children very much. The woman was an amazing mother.

“I don’t have time, Alice.” No time at all. “I must get back to the ranch as soon as possible.”

She told her about the two boys who needed the special meals.

“No problem, Belle. We didn’t use peanuts in anything. Everything is going to be just fine.”

If only that were true, but I know better.

* * * *

Shane stood by the new bus that the Stones had purchased for the Boys Ranch. The all-day event was just now getting underway.

All the boys stood in front of the new dormitory that Lucas Wolfe had designed getting their picture taken. Juan was in the middle of the group. All the little cowboys were wearing the Boys Ranch uniform of Stetson hats, plaid shirts of various colors, Levi’s, boots and specially made leather belts sporting buckles with the Stone’s brand and their individual names.

The entire town had showed up for the grand opening to welcome the young men. It was clear by the smiles on the boys’ faces and the looks in their eyes they felt important and accepted.

Belle held the microphone to introduce each boy. She looked stunning, as always. He loved the way her jeans fit her so perfectly.

She had her arm around Juan and was leaning down talking to one of the new boys who looked to be about five. She was wonderful with children.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you our newest residents to the Boys Ranch and to Destiny.” Belle put her arm around the littlest of the boys, who had coal black hair and big brown eyes. She got down to his level. “This is Jake. Can you tell them how old you are?”

He held up his hand, spreading out his fingers. “This many.”

“That’s right. You are five years old.”

The crowd applauded.

Jake smiled broadly. “I like my hat and boots, Miss Belle. Does that mean I’m a real cowboy now?”

Cheers shot up from everyone.

Belle kissed him on the cheek. “Yes it does, Jake. You are a real cowboy for sure.”

Shane wasn’t about to lose the most wonderful woman he’d ever met. She was everything he’d dreamed of and more.

She’s mine.

Late last night, he’d told Corey about what she’d said to him at the diner yesterday. Despite their plan, Belle had been sidestepping their requests for one on one dates because she was determined to talk to them together. They had to devise a new plan.

Dylan and Easton walked over to him.

His boss held out his hand. “Nice party, Blue, don’t you think?”

Shane took it. “It is.”

“Your lady has put on quite a show for the town.”