She came and came and came, trembling like mad. A flo

od of overwhelming sensations swamped her entire being. She screamed, something she’d never done before in sex, but she couldn’t hold back. Not now. Not with him.

“Fuck. Yes. Ahhh.” He came, shooting his seed inside her.

Her pussy clenched and unclenched and clenched again on his thick cock. Then a swarm of shivers overtook her. She writhed under him, unable to remain still.

He rained down soft kisses on her, holding her close.

“That was amazing, Shane.”

He gazed at her with such loving eyes, melting her into a puddle. His jaw dropped. “Oh my God. I was so lost to the moment that I forgot to use protection. I’m sorry.”

“I was lost to it, too. We acted like two teenagers, didn’t we?” She grinned. “Don’t worry, Shane. It’ll be okay.” Her heart began to rip in two. There’s no need for protection. I can’t have his child. She felt her eyes begin to well up with tears.

“We’ll make sure it’s okay. I know you said this was fast, but so what. If we made a baby today, it will be the happiest day of my life, Belle.”

She choked back her tears, looking straight into Shane’s eyes. If only miracles happened, but they don’t.

Chapter Seven

Corey walked into the banquet hall of the Dream Hotel with Jo Brown.

They’d been on guard duty for Cindy Trollinger for the past eight hours. Now, Black and Jason were manning the post at her door. Shane was next up in the rotation and would be taking over for Black.

Jo smiled, which was unusual for her. She’d let her walls down a little over the past eight hours. They’d both talked about their childhood, and it turned out, Jo had an unusual one indeed.

Only a few years older than he, she was quite an attractive woman, though of late, he only had eyes for Belle.

“Looks like things are winding down, Corey.”

“The main meal is done, but things are hardly over. You’ve never been to the Thanksgiving Bash in my hometown.” He looked at his watch. “It goes way past midnight.”

“The more time I spend in Destiny, the more I see why people love it here.”

The tables were being cleared even though a few late arrivals, like him, were just sitting down to eat. There was no sign of either Belle or Shane anywhere.

Jo stifled a yawn. “I’m going to grab a plate and head back to my hotel room. I’m beat.”

“Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow back at our post.”

She nodded and walked away.

Corey glanced around the room, looking for his parents or his sister. They might know where Belle and Shane were, but the rest of his family was missing as well. Made sense. Most had finished their Thanksgiving meal hours ago. Likely, along with the bulk of the crowd, his family and Belle had moved into the other room at the hotel where the dance was being held.

Doc and Mick were at a table to his right.

“Have you seen my brother or Belle, fellas?”

Mick shook his head.

Doc looked up at him. “I saw them head out a couple of hours ago, Corey.”

He didn’t like the sound of that.

Shane had made it clear on more than one occasion that he was ready to get more serious with Belle.

Way too early for that.