Easton nodded. “Once Grayson, Ross, and Ward get to town, we’ll reassign the shifts. I know you and Nicole have other duties to attend to.”

“Nothing is more important than capturing that motherfucker.” All of them felt the same way as Jason. “My duty as sheriff is to make sure everyone is safe in Swanson County. Guarding his sister is part of it right now.”

“Since Kip has cracked our systems again, let’s go dark with all our communications. Face to face only from here on. With any luck, whatever Kip’s gift to Cindy is will lead us straight to him.” Easton turned to the tech trio. “You have any ideas about keeping Lunceford out?”

“We do, but it will take time,” Jena said.

“Make it so.”

“And please, as fast as possible,” Jo added.

“We’ll meet back here in twenty-four hours unless something happens before then. You are dismiss


Corey’s gut tightened as an image of Belle helping Trollinger at Lucy’s appeared in his mind.

Kip Lunceford was coming to Destiny. They didn’t know when, but they all knew he was.

Corey didn’t want to be too far from Belle ever, so he headed straight to the big baking event at the Dream Hotel.

* * * *

Belle hurriedly went up the courthouse steps with Paris. “I hope your patient is feeling better.”

“I’m sure she is.” Paris walked through the large wooden doors. “You saw her vitals. It’s weird she passed out, don’t you think?”

“I wouldn’t rule out anything yet.” She nodded. Cindy’s temperature, color, heartbeat, and respiration had been perfect, though she had seemed a little disoriented. “Did Doc run a blood test?”

“Yes. We should have the results shortly.”

They walked into the grand entry of the Swanson County Courthouse. The building was over one hundred years old. The floors were a rich marble and the walls were a pale gray. Ornate dark oak doors and molding lined the space.

They turned down the hallway that led to the temporary clinic and hospital rooms.

Shane sat in a chair next to Cindy’s door appearing more serious than Belle had ever seen him before. “Hello, ladies.”

“Hi.” Belle felt a shiver run up her spine as their eyes locked.

“Surely, the baking isn’t over yet.” Shane stood, his intense gaze never leaving hers.

“Could you move aside, soldier?” Paris had a job to do and, being a good nurse, was obviously not willing to be kept from it.

“For you, yes. You’re Trollinger’s nurse.” What did he mean by that?

“Do you think you have a right to keep me from going in, Shane?” Belle folded her arms over her chest. He had no idea how stubborn she could be, but he was about to find out. “I’m here to assist Paris. So if you don’t mind, we’d like to check on Cindy.”

He hesitated, remaining between them and the door.

“I’m a nurse, too. I can help. Let me do my job.” She could see in his face that he was torn about allowing her in. Did she need to tell him that she knew how to take care of herself? “Shane, please.”

“You’re a nurse and a very caring person, sweetheart.” He grabbed her hand and squeezed, causing her to tingle all over. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.” He reluctantly stepped aside.

“Thank you.” She and Paris walked into Cindy’s room.

“Hi, Belle.” Cindy was sitting up in bed. She looked perfectly fine—and harmless.

Is she?