“Right now, Shane is outside Trollinger’s room. I’m talking with Doc Ryder about the situation after this meeting.” Easton always had all of his thoughts in strategic order. “I think we should have two agents with her at all times.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Jason had incredible drive and a passion for right and wrong that had always impressed Corey. “I can head there right now.”

“What do we do after Doc releases her?” Nicole’s question had merit. She was a terrific agent.

“I’m going to ask the good doctor to keep Miss Trollinger a few more days until we can decide what our next steps are and verify her story.” Easton looked at his watch. “It’s 2:15. Jason, you and Shane finish the first shift. Let’s go eight hours for now. If we need to expand that, we can later. Dylan and Nicole take the next one at ten. Corey and Jo will be on at six in the morning. I know tomorrow is the big Thanksgiving meal. I’ll fill in the gaps so everyone can get a good dinner.”

Sean leaned forward. “Matt and I can start up the next shift after that.”

“Not yet. I need you two and Jena working on the system round the clock. Find a way to keep that bastard out.” He motioned to Jo. “Time to introduce everyone to our new team members.”

“Yes, sir.”

“New members?” Corey wondered how big the Agency wanted this team to be.

“Our mission has been expanded, Marshall.” As three faces appeared on the large monitor on the wall, Easton continued. “Although Lunceford remains our main target at this point, we are now tasked with fighting a wider variety of international cyber terrorism, with special focus on the former Soviet Union. Let me introduce you to your newest team members, agents Brock Grayson, Cooper Ross, and Jonas Ward. Welcome, gentlemen, to Shannon’s Elite.”

Their images flickered and then turned to static.

Suddenly, a face they all knew very well filled the screen.

Kip Lunceford glared at them with his soulless eyes. “Hello, Shannon’s Elite. I know you have my sister.”

Jason and Dylan jumped to their feet.

Jo was frantically punching the keys to her ROC. “How the hell did he get past our security?”

Kip’s lips curled into a hideous grin. “Jena’s hurdles were quite impressive and a bit of a challenge, Agent Brown. But I finally got through them. I’m that good.”

Corey saw Sean, Matt, and Jena working away on their devices, clearly trying to trace the bastard’s location.

“Lunceford, I’m prepared to offer you a deal,” Easton said calmly. “Are you ready to talk?”

“I know you’re just stalling to try to give your little trio tech team a chance to find me. Won’t happen. The maze I put up would take them hours to crack. Now, shut up, Black, and listen. As I said before, I know you have my sister. Trust me. You won’t for long.”

“It’s our understanding that you two have never met,” Easton said.

“What does that matter? She’s my sister, my family, my blood. Don’t you dare harm her or you will suffer. It’s in your best interest to back off. I’m coming to get her and there is not a fucking thing you can do to stop me. Haven’t you learned by now that I’m smarter than all of you?”

The screen went dark.

Easton looked at Sean. “Anything?”

The Texan shook his head. “He was telling the truth about the maze he set up.”

“And it’s already collapsing and shutting down.” Matt sighed. “He’s gone.”

“I recorded his transmission on my ROC.” Jena continued to impress all of them. “I think we might be able to use something inside it that can help. Yes. Here it is. Though I can’t give you the exact location, it did originate from the state of Washington.”

Easton nodded. “Good work, agent.”

Sean and Matt beamed with pride for their wife.

“We might actually get the bastard.” Nicole voiced what they all were clearly hoping.

Cindy’s letter was proving to be more valuable than any of them imagined.

Jason stood. “Time for me to get to my guard duty.”