Chapter One

Belle White looked down at her half-eaten lunch and tried to tamp down her desire and nervousness. Sitting at the burger joint between the two sexy brothers had her temperature rising fast.

Shane Blue put his hand on her thigh, delivering a delicious tingle. “Don’t you like hamburgers?”

She smiled, never tiring of his touch and teasing.

“Don’t you, sweetheart? Or should we have taken you somewhere else?” His brother Corey placed his hand on her other thigh, adding to her sweet discomfort.

She stifled a giggle. This is so unlike me. Why am I acting like a silly teenager? Because they are making me so hot—that’s why.

“I love burgers, especially from here, but I had a large breakfast at the Boys Ranch, fellas. Bacon and eggs, biscuits and gravy.”

Her sister Amber loved cooking, which was a good thing since there were so many mouths to feed at the ranch. Belle loved Amber. When she and Amber were teenagers, they’d lost both their parents to cancer and had become even closer. To this day, Amber was her very best friend.

“We’ll have to let Lucy know you’re finished with your lunch.” Shane waved at the owner of Lucy’s Burgers, who stood behind the counter.

The middle-aged woman was dressed in her 1950s pink waitress uniform, holding her signature hula hoop, wearing roller skates. Like most in Destiny, Lucy was sweet, quirky, and wonderful.

Corey ate his last French fry. “She’ll wrap up the remainder of your burger in a to-go box for you.”

“You can have the rest of mine if you’d like.” Belle pushed her plate in front of him.

The way they took charge and were touching her thighs reminded her that they were in a lifestyle that several in Destiny practiced. Phase Four was a BDSM club many belonged to, including Amber and her three husbands. Though the idea of it intrigued her, she couldn’t imagine walking into the place the way she looked. “If I keep eating these kind of meals, I’m going to put on the pounds. I’m already too fat.”

Both men squeezed her legs, making her dizzy with want.

Keeping her control, her calm, and her cool was proving impossible.

Why had she agreed to another lunch date with Shane and Corey? Because her hot dreams about them were invading all her daytime thoughts. But she knew this couldn’t go anywhere, at least anywhere serious.

Shane grinned, his blue eyes sparkling. His hair had grown out from the buzz cut he’d sported for the past three years, making his appearan

ce even more handsome than ever. “Then I guess I’m into fat, Belle, if you want to call your beautiful body that, ’cause I’m definitely into you.”

Corey’s dark eyes locked in on her. “Don’t put yourself down, sweetheart.” God, he looked scrumptious in his US marshal uniform. “Belle, you’re a beautiful woman.”

You are beautiful, too, Corey. “Perhaps you should get your eyes checked, Mr. Blue. I’m average, slightly above average on good days in the looks department, but thank you.”

“Oh boy.” Shane smiled broadly and shook his head. “You don’t want to set him off, Belle. My brother doesn’t like to be questioned.”

“Oh really? Not my problem.” She grinned. Though she’d only been on a few dates with Shane and Corey, she would bet their tastes in women ran to the more subdued, submissive types. Not her at all. “I’m not someone who can be ordered around by men.”

Corey put his arm around her shoulder. “Maybe you haven’t been around the right men, Belle.”

“That’s for sure,” Shane said. “Until now.”

“A woman doesn’t have much of a chance with you two.” She shook her head. This can’t be anything more than fun and games. Nothing more. “I need to get over to the Dream Hotel.”

“That’s right. Today is the big baking event for the Thanksgiving meal.” Shane pushed his empty plate to the side. “I’m pretty good at making chocolate chip cookies. Maybe I could join you.”

Corey laughed. “You’re only good when it comes out of a pre-packaged tube, bro. Best to leave the baking to the experts. What are you making, Belle?”

“Apple pies. My mom’s recipe. I’ve never made ten of them at the same time though.” She missed her mom very much, as did Amber.

“I definitely want to have a slice at the meal.”

“You better be early.” Shane smacked his lips. His warm personality was endearing to her. “Maybe even first in line. Apple pie is a Destiny favorite. It’ll be gone fast.”

The whole town celebrated Thanksgiving together in the ballroom of the Dream Hotel. Destonians loved spending time together.

She’d come to adore the residents of this tiny Colorado town. “I hope people like mine.”

“Oh my God, sweetheart.” Corey looked into her eyes. It would be easy to lose herself in his hot gaze. “I’m sure everyone will love them.”

“Especially Corey and me. I talked to Tad, the manager of the hotel. He’s made sure that you get to sit between me and Corey, sweetheart.”

Time to put a stop—

Interrupting her thoughts, a woman came through the front door and collapsed.

Being a nurse, Belle reacted quickly. “Let me out, Corey.”

He nodded, sliding out of the booth.

“Call Doc Ryder, guys.” She rushed to the woman on the floor. Corey remained at her side.

“I’ll get a cold cloth.” Lucy ran through the swinging door that led to the kitchen.

The unconscious woman’s eyes were closed, but she was breathing steadily. She looked to be about Belle’s age, which was twenty-eight.

Pulse? Normal.

Temperature? Also normal.

The woman’s color looked fine, too.

“Doc, this is Shane Blue. We’re over at Lucy’s. A woman has passed out.” He clicked off the phone and bent down next to Belle and Corey. “Doc’s on his way. How is she?”

Belle kept her eyes on her patient, who sported dark hair, styled in the latest fashion in bob cuts. “I don’t believe it’s anything serious, but we’ll need to wait for Doc Ryder to be sure.”

Lucy handed her a damp cloth. “She’s a pretty thing. Not from around here though. I wonder who she is?”

So did Belle. Strangers didn’t show up in Destiny often. Of late, whenever one did they always brought trouble.

The woman came to, her brown eyes wide. “Where am I?”