Times like this, he didn’t think. He became a machine. A tool. A weapon. His training took over.

He ran inside the warehouse and found Jena on the ground with a gun pointed at him.

“Jena, it’s me. Come on. We’ve got to get out of here.”

She nodded and ran to him. “Are Matt and Dylan okay?”

“Yes. You know how to shoot that thing?” There was no way he and Jena would make it to the van. They were going to have to take her car to escape.

“Yes,” she whispered.

There were no shots firing. He wasn’t sure why. It was quiet. Too quiet.

“Hurry,” Matt yelled from outside. “We’ve got to get out of here now.”

Hauling ass, he and Jena ran to her car as Matt and Dylan ran to the van.

Sean’s pulse was pounding in his veins.

“How well can you drive, Jena?”

“I’m an ace,” she replied.

“Good, that makes me shotgun.”

Pushing the accelerator to the floor, both vehicles raced out of the parking lot, squealing their tires on the pavement. Sean and Jena were in the lead.

“Up ahead,” he yelled at Jena. “There are more of them waiting for us. They’ve blocked the road.”

In the lead, she quickly swerved the car just in time to cut around the barricade, barely missing a tree. Impressed by her driving skills, he prayed Dylan could do the same with the van.

He fired his gun out the window, forcing the Russians to take cover, though some were able to shoot back.

Sean turned and saw that the van was right behind them. Thank God.

Mitrofanov’s men raced to their car and began following them.

Jena hit the gas. The needle topped one hundred twenty miles per hour.

Reaching the main highway, he began scanning the road. “Look for an exit to throw the bastards off our backs. There’s one.” He pointed to the off-ramp. “Turn off the lights.”

She did and made a quick right turn. He knew Dylan would do the same. A left, then another right. They lost them.

“Pull over, Jena,” he said, looking out the back window.

Dylan followed and stopped the van just behind her car.

Waiting a minute to make certain the Russians weren’t coming, he cautiously opened the door.

Matt ran to Jena’s car door. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she answered.

God, the woman was something else. Brave. Smart. And damn sexy.

“You’re good, too, Sean?”

“Yes,” he answered. “You guys?”