Sean laughed and turned to Matt. “She thinks we’re good looking.”

“I heard. She’s quite the looker herself, don’t you think?”

Sean nodded and sent her a wink. “She’s got fire, that’s for sure. Matches her beautiful hair.”

“Even her green eyes sparkle with passion,” Matt added.

Their synchronized gazes locked in on her, wicked and startling. Their eyes held hers, Matt’s hazel with flecks of gold and Sean’s a dark, smoky gray.

She had looked at them before of course, but now she decided to really take a thorough inspection of the duo. They both had dark hair. Matt’s was a little longer and more ruffled. Sean’s was closer cut and perfectly neat. Their faces, so unbelievably handsome, were chiseled. Nice, natural muscles, not the oversized steroid types. She could feel their power, their passion and possessiveness, washing over her, causing a secret shiver to run up and down her body.

Matt Dixon and Sean MacCabe had entered her life with guns drawn, but that wasn’t the most dangerous thing about them—of that she was certain.

“Let’s get one thing straight here, guys.” She forced herself not to blink, hoping to give the impression of inner self-control. It was a lie. These two were mouthwatering yumminess, and she was imagining what it would be like to be with one of them. Which one? Didn’t matter. Neither was a consolation to the other to her. “We should keep this professional. I’m here to help you find the bad guys as best I can. Nothing more. Got it?”

Sean grinned and lifted his cup to his lips, which were the most beautiful lips she’d ever seen on a man. “What makes you think we need the help of a girl from New York?”

She tensed. “Why do you think I’m from New York?”

“Accent is definitely New York. Long Island, right?”

“Are you some kind of mind reader?” Keeping her true identity secret had been necessary. Now, she had the strangest urge to tell them everything. She couldn’t. No way.

“Not a mind reader. Just well trained.” Matt jumped in, pushing his empty plate to the side. “But Sean has always had an ear for that kind of thing. He’s also great at mimicking people’s voices. Men’s only, but it does come in handy from time to time. Or it did, I should say. Back at the Agency.”

“Ah. That explains it.” She turned to Sean. “You two have known each other a long time. I’m guessing since childhood, right?”

“Now who is the mind reader?” Sean smiled again, and she felt her shoulders relax. “Yes. We grew up in Texas.”

“You look a little alike. Are you related? Cousins?”

“We get that sometimes, but no. There’s no relation at all, though Matt and I are more brothers to each other than most.” Sean sighed. “There’s no one I trust more.”

“We’ve been to hell and back, bro.” Matt’s tone matched Sean—deep and heavy.

What had these two faced together, suffered together? Their sudden change from flirtatious to serious told her more than their words.

“Subject change.” Sean’s face lit up. “Let’s talk about the here and now. You said we could use your help, Jena. I believe you’re right.” In a wonderful British accent, he said, “Miss Robin Hood, what say you we catch us some thieves?”

“You certainly are a wonderful mimic.” Attempting a deep Southern accent, she answered, “My pleasure, Country Boy. My pleasure.”

They all laughed.

“I’m horrible at imitation.”

“You’re not bad, Jena.” Sean smiled. “A few lessons from me and you’ll be able to fool everyone.”

* * * *

Jena excused herself and went to the ladies’ room. She pulled out the burner phone she’d brought with her. The others had been left at the warehouse. She would need to get some more, but until then, she would have to use this one.

“Jena, are you okay?”

The panic in her mother’s voice crushed her. “I’m fine, Mom.”

“Don’t lie to me. I could hear it in your voice when you called hours ago. I haven’t slept a wink worrying about you.”

Her mom could be a bit dramatic, but right now, it was called for.