“Stop it.” Her stomach rumbled in response. “You’ve already won. We’re going to eat.”

“Matt loves to drive his point home, Jena.” Sean turned off the road and into the lot of the diner. “You’ll learn that about him in the next few days.”

“How much longer before we get to TBK Tower?” She’d made no fuss about going with them because she wanted to clear things up with the real Scott Knight and get that bastard Mitrofanov and his sicko friend Kip. Until that happened, it wouldn’t be safe for her to return to Kimmie and her mom. She didn’t want to draw any attention their direction.

“We just crossed the state line into Colorado. Trinidad is the halfway mark. It’s about five miles up the road.”

“We’re going to need to bed down somewhere. We’ve been driving all night.” Sean pulled her Ford into a space right in front of the diner. “We can ask inside where a motel is.”

“If you two cowboys are too tired, I can drive this girl anywhere. White Ghost and I have covered a ton of miles over the years.”

“White Ghost?” Matt exited the back seat and then opened her door. “That’s an interesting name for a car.”

“Yes, it is.” Jena had picked the name five years ago when she’d first gone on the run from Carl.

She, Matt, and Sean sat down in a booth and the waitress brought them three cups of coffee. After they placed their orders, Sean’s cell buzzed.

“It’s Dylan,” he said. “Hey, buddy. You okay?” Sean held up his thumb, indicating his friend was safe. “You’re kidding?”

Jena didn’t like the sound of Sean’s tone. Clearly something had happened after they’d left.

“We are in Trinidad. What about you?” Sean asked. “Got it. We’ll see you back in Destiny. Be safe.” He clicked off the phone.

“What’s up?” Matt asked him.

Jena was dying to know, too.

“Dylan went back to the warehouse with the Odessa PD. When they got there, the place had been wiped clean. They didn’t even find a dust bunny.”

“That’s why they didn’t follow us.” What kind of operation had she gotten herself mixed up in? “They must’ve been ordered to go back.”

“You sure you’re not CIA or FBI? ATF? Something,” Matt said, smiling. “You’ve sure got the instinct for it.”

“Why would you think that?” she asked. “I thought you guys worked for TBK.”

“TBK is our latest gig, Jena,” Sean answered. “We’re former CIA.”

Tall Texan and Country Boy were turning out to

be much more than she’d imagined. They weren’t geeks. They were sexy as hell and apparently specially trained in a whole lot more than coding.

“What can you tell us about the code you uploaded into TBK’s system?” Matt asked.

“Scott Knight…I mean Kip Lunceford, sent it to me every morning.” She shook her head, remembering how she’d been tricked. “I made a few tweaks to get past the firewalls and security measures you two were putting in, but basically the majority of the code came from him.”

“Robin Hood, you sure were tough to catch.” Matt drank from his cup, his eyes never moving away from her.

Heat rolled up her body as she looked at the devastatingly gorgeous man.

“She’s good with a gun and a helluva driver, too.” Sean’s smile made her tingle inside. “Quite the little package.”

The waitress walked up and set down their plates, which were filled with delicious food. “More coffee?”

“Yes, please,” she answered, and turned to the two sexy beasts. “I’ll be driving White Ghost the rest of the way. No motel.”

Matt’s eyebrows shot up. “We just plan on sleeping, if that’s what you’re worried about, Jena.”

“That’s what you say now,” she told him. “But I know good-looking guys like you are used to getting your own way. Always.”