“But the CIA isn’t supposed to work on US soil,” Jason pointed out.

Black leaned forward. “Technically we’re not. But we’re chasing an international cyber terrorist who happens to be based here. We’re working closely with the FBI to bring this guy down.”

“I don’t understand,” Megan said. “I thought you were working for TBK.”

“That, too,” Matt told her. “We were sent here because Lunceford’s digital fingerprints have been showing up all around the world. Only Dylan knew. We had to remain undercover in case Lunceford had someone at the company in his back pocket like he once had in Felix Averson. We’ve never been able to connect the dots to Kip until now.”

“You mean until her,” Black pointed at Jena.

“She’s not joining the Agency,” Sean said firmly. No way. No how.

“But what a great asset she would be,” Dylan said. “Black has a great plan that she would fit into.”

“That coming from you is rich,” Matt snapped. “You quit. You left the Agency.”

“Yes, I did.”

Black held up his hand. “I’m not here in Destiny just to deliver this laptop. Yes, this will give the sheriff all he needs so he can arrest Mitrofanov. That’s a good thing. But I’m also here to get Dylan back on my team. Before you say anything, Dylan, hear me out.”

Black told them all about a new team he was putting together to combat all kinds of international cyber terrorism. He wanted Sean and Matt on the team, with Dylan being the lead.

“Hold on, Mr. Black,” Jena spoke up. “I’m one of the best. And my guys know it. I love this country. If I can help keep it safe, that’s what I will do. I want to be on your team.”

“I’m not going back to Langley,” Dylan stated flatly.

Black shrugged. “I’m willing to let you stay here in Destiny. I’m sure I can work with Scott and Eric Knight. They already have contracts with the military. Getting another contract set up for the Agency won’t be a problem.”

“We’ll need to secure some additional offices,” Dylan said.

“Sounds like you’re back in the fold,” Black said with a smile.

“Maybe,” he answered. “I want to talk to Erica and Cam first before I commit.”

“What about me?” Jena asked. “Am I in or not?”

“Guys?” Black looked at him and Matt.

“I can’t refuse her anything,” Sean told him, putting his arm around her. “Besides, I would like having her at the office with us.”

“No fieldwork for Jena, Black,” Matt interjected. “That’s a deal breaker. We have a five-year-old daughter to worry about.”

“You’ve got a deal. I had this in mind and we’ve already finished her background check.” Black turned to her. “Those gray areas of your past, which actually were quite noble in my opinion, have been cleaned up. Your record is spotless now.” Black turned to Jason and Nicole and handed them a file. “This is from the governor of Colorado, who you eventually report to. Sheriff, you and your deputy are consultants to this new team now.”

“That’s unusual,” Nicole said.

“Very. Kind of like this whole town.” Black smiled. “Like I did with Miss Taylor, I ran background checks on both of you. You now have top security clearances.”

“Hey, I like my job,” Jason said. “I worked hard to get elected. I have no plans on leaving this desk now.”

“You won’t have to. I only need you to be available from time to time.” Black sighed. “Lunceford is being moved, and that should shut off his reach. But his organization is broad. We need to get all the nodes he’s set up and all his accomplices out of commission. Since Lunceford seems to be focused on your town, I would think you would want to play a part in doing that, too.”

“I’m in. You sold me, Black. My town means everything to me.”

“Me, too,” Nicole said.

Ethel walked in. “Shannon called me.” She turned to the sheriff. “Jason, I understand you have enough evidence for me to grant a warrant for Niklaus Mitrofanov’s arrest.”

“Yes,” Jason said. “And I want to get on it immediately.”