“I expected as much,” Megan said. “Dylan’s changed your clearance. You have access to the top floor now.”

Sean smiled. “You’re kidding.”

“It’s true,” her friend told him.

Matt slapped Sean on the back. “We’re in the big league now, buddy.”

“Listen to me, guys,” Megan continued. “When we get to the top floor, you, Dylan, and my guys will have to leave.”

She followed Megan to the elevators with Matt and Sean in tow. Megan swiped her card in the reader and then typed in a code on the console. The security for the top floor was even greater than the other floors.

The elevator doors opened and standing with their arms full of delicious smelling food were Eric and Scott Knight.

“Hey, guys.” Sean stepped off the elevator.

“How are you coming along with the cleanup?” Eric asked.

Matt put his arm around Jena. “With this one on the team, much better.”

Scott leaned down and kissed Megan. “Everyone is here, baby.”

“You sure you’re up for this, sweetheart?” Eric asked Megan.

“Don’t be silly. Of course I’m up for this.”

He kissed her. “Enjoy yourself. Once your party is over, we are taking you to see Doc Ryder for a thorough checkup.”

“Fine.” Megan grinned. “Now all you men must go. This floor is for women only for the next couple of hours.”

* * * *

Sean looked around the conference table at the men who were having lunch with him. Scott and Eric had brought some delicious food from upstairs that the women of Destiny had prepared. The Knight brothers sat to his left. Across the table were Jason and Dylan. To his right was Matt, who was finishing off his second piece of Gretchen’s homemade chocolate pie.

Dylan had brought Jason to this lunch so they could all get briefed on what was going on with the code.

“Did you leave any for us, Matt?” the sheriff asked with a grin.

“He better have,” Scott said.

“You have no room to make that kind of demand on him.” Sean jumped to Matt’s defense. “You and Eric get to enjoy Gretchen’s cooking all the time. We have to wait for the women to throw a party to taste her award-winning deserts.”

“And that happens about every other week these days,” Jason said.

“I wonder what those women are up to in your office.” Sean’s mind was fixed on one

particular party attendee, Jena, the love of his life.

Dylan shrugged. “Who knows?”

Sean looked at Scott and Eric. Both were grinning from ear to ear, which was a clue to what was really going on upstairs. “You guys know something, don’t you?”

* * * *

Jena watched Megan stand up and face all the women. She was still wondering what this gathering was all about. She remembered hearing Scott talk about Doc Ryder. Megan has got to be okay.

“Ladies,” Megan said, clicking her glass. “I know you must be wondering what this party is all about. Of course, we don’t need much of a reason to throw a party, do we? But this time there is really something special I want to share with you.”

Jena and the other women held their breaths.