You are my sister of the heart. Love, Megan.

* * * *

Although it was Sunday, Jena was almost three hours into the workday. She sat back and stretched, looking at the screen which was flashing with more of Lunceford’s malicious code. She’d isolated a big chunk of it that had been hidden in TBK’s billing systems. Matt and Sean’s praise had thrilled her. They weren’t slouches either. With her assistance, their hands were flying over their keyboards, flushing out more of the viruses. It would take weeks, maybe months, to get all of TBK’s systems cleaned out, but it would happen.

The door opened to her Texans’ office and Megan walked in. “Jena, I need you to come with me.”

“What for? What are you doing here? You got married yesterday,” Sean said.

Megan smiled. “And now I’d like to have some girl talk and a very long lunch. It’s a party. Don’t expect me to bring Jena back until two.”

“Lunch starts at noon, Megan,” Matt teased. “And it’s only supposed to be an hour. No more.”

“Today it will be longer.”

Sean grinned. “You’re spoiling our employee.”

“Jena is more than just an employee to you two bozos. I know it. Eric and Scott know it, too.” Megan smiled. “Besides, whose last name is on this building?”

They laughed. “Yours,” they said in unison.

“That’s right. I want time alone with my friends. Jena happens to be one of them. The rest are on the top floor waiting.”

Matt grinned. “The Fortress of Solace?”

“Whatever you want to call it. Yes.”

“Dylan’s most secure place on the planet has been invaded by women.” Sean winked. “He’s not going to like that.”

“They are all trusted Destonians that have been cleared by Dylan for this party.”

She smiled, feeling so very happy.

“What about our lunch?” Matt asked, making Jena smile. The man never forgot his stomach no matter what was going on.

“It’s all arranged. Eric and Scott have a bunch of delicious food for you men.”

“Sounds good to me,” Sean said. “I could use a break.”

“And I’m sure Jena could as well. You two work her too hard.”

Yes, they do, but not here. In the bedroom, yes. But not too hard. Just right.

Matt came up to her and kissed her cheek. “Have fun, baby.”

“Let’s go,” Megan said. “Everyone is waiting.”

“Hold up.” Sean grabbed Jena and gave her a quick kiss. “Don’t stay away too long.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, honey.”

“Good grief.” Megan rolled her eyes. “We’re not going to Europe. We’re only going upstairs. What are you two going to do when Jena comes with us on the shopping trip to Denver in two weeks?”

“We’ll go with you,” Matt informed.

“So like my two guys, Jena.” Megan grinned. “The ladies of Destiny have tricks to keep our men on their toes. Come with me. You’re about to learn some.”

Sean grabbed her hand. “We’ll walk you to the elevators.”