As the doors opened to the elevator, Anna turned to her. “I would like to talk with you about some of your code.”

“Sure. Happy to help.” Jena wasn’t sure wh

at to make of the woman. Was she sincere or just putting up a front for Matt and Sean?

They all got on the elevator together.

“Anna, we have a meeting with the Knights at ten,” Matt said. “We’re open after that.”

“Perfect.” The woman swiped her card and punched the button for the second floor. “I’ll assemble the rest of the techs. They are going to fall out of their chairs when they meet the real Robin Hood.”

For a brief moment, Jena wondered if the woman was making digs at her. But just as fast, she shook it off. Destiny…Matt and Sean…Kimmie and her mom…her future—all of it she believed was worth whatever she had to do.

Jena smiled at the tech. “Anna, tell your buddies that Robin Hood is about to make her grand appearance.”

* * * *

Jena watched the bride and grooms cut the cake. Megan looked stunning between her two husbands, Scott and Eric Knight. The love these three shared could be seen on their smiling faces and heard in their warm voices. The guys continued putting their arms around her, pulling her in tight. The kiss in the chapel had been the first that day but was definitely not the last.

The reception was being held at the hotel, which had a grand ballroom. The place looked like a fairy-tale castle. Every table had the finest crystal and china. White boxes with lavender ribbons were by each plate. Though she’d only known Megan for such a short time, it seemed so like the new bride to provide gifts to everyone. No two were the same, which stunned Jena even more. Megan was some kind of miracle worker.

Sean and Matt sat on either side of Jena. They’d opened their boxes. Sean’s gift was a watch, and by the look of it, a very expensive watch, too. Matt’s was a pair of boots that he was already trying on. She couldn’t bring herself to open hers yet. Later. In private.

Megan held a bite of cake in each hand. She turned to the crowd. “Should I feed my husbands?” she asked with mischievousness in her eyes.

Everyone in the room roared their approval, including Jena.

Megan covered her guys’ faces with cake. They both laughed and then each grabbed one of her wrists.

“Sweetheart, time to pay,” Scott said, kissing her.

When he leaned back, Jena spotted a single glob of frosting on Megan’s face. Eric held a bite of cake and so did Scott. They brought it to their bride’s mouth, taunting her.

The crowd went wild. “Eat the cake. Make her pay,” someone shouted, and everyone began to chant those words over and over.

Scott and Eric rubbed the bites on her lips. Jena knew they could’ve done more but was sure they were holding back not to embarrass their new wife too much. Megan might have to reapply lipstick, but the rest of her makeup remained flawless. God, the men in Destiny were so devoted to their women. Everywhere she looked, examples were right there in front of her. Ethel’s men, Patrick and Sam O’Leary, were doting on her like she was a virgin princess. How long had those three been together? Amber’s guys, the Stone brothers, surrounded her like a bodyguard detail. Deputy Nicole could shoot the wings off of a butterfly, or so Jena had been told, but her guys, Erica’s brothers, were glued to her every step. Erica, too, had the constant attention of Dylan and Cameron.

The celebration filled Jena with a warm feeling. Living in this community she believed would be so good for her, for Kimmie, and yes, even for her mom.

The band, Wolfe Mayhem, which was led by drummer Mitchell Wolfe, the sheriff’s brother, fired up a song.

“Please welcome the new Knight family to the dance floor,” Patrick O’Leary announced.

The crowd applauded as Scott and Eric led Megan to the center of the room. As they began to dance, Jena marveled at how fluidly they moved. She had no idea that two men and one woman could dance so beautifully together.

As the newlyweds enjoyed their first dance, Gretchen came up behind Jena, placing a hand on her shoulder. “My boys did good, didn’t they?”

“Yes, they did.” Jena turned around in her chair, grabbing the dear woman’s hand. “They found their true love.”

Gretchen wiped her eyes and nodded. “You haven’t opened your gift yet, dear. Megan took great care picking out yours.” Her voice was unusually hushed. “Open it.”

Though Jena had wanted to wait, she couldn’t refuse Gretchen. She opened the box and saw a necklace inside. It was a silver chain with a heart.

She smiled. “It’s so lovely.”

“Read the inscription,” Gretchen said, her voice back to its strong British tone.

She flipped the heart around and felt her own eyes well up.