“We better,” Matt answered. “I doubt there’s anything salvageable, but back in Destiny at TBK Tower we can make sure.”

“I’m going to step out and call the Knights,” Dylan said, heading for the door. “They need to know what’s going on.”

As the door closed behind him, Sean stood and began unplugging the equipment. “Let’s load up and get out of here.” He turned to Jena. “You’re going with us.”

Jena shook her head. “I can’t go with you. I have things I have to do.”

Did she think she was going to just waltz off after all the trouble she’d caused? She’d been working for a criminal for months. “You don’t have any choice. We don’t know what Kip or his associates want to do to you. Until we know you’re safe, you’re with us. Got it?”

“I can take care of myself,” she said, unblinking.

“I’m sure you can, but Kip isn’t just some hacker to trifle with. He’s a serial killer.” She was in way over her head and she didn’t seem to realize it.

“But didn’t you just say he’s locked up?”

“Yes, but he’s got connections on the outside,” Sean told her. “He has Skype and no telling what else. Who knows how many associates are working with him.”

“What kind of associates?” Jena asked.

“Mobsters,” Matt told her. “One in particular we’ve been tracking by the name of Mitrofanov.”

Her jaw dropped. “Niklaus Mitrofanov?”

Chapter Two

Jena couldn’t believe her ears.

“How do you know Niklaus Mitrofanov?” Matt asked, his tone sharpening.

“I never met him,” she confessed. How much more should she tell the sexy Texans?

“You’re holding back, aren’t you?” Sean asked. “What? Tell us everything. That’s the only way we can protect you.”

“Why should you protect me? You don’t even know me.” Life loved to serve her big piles of crap, and this had to be the biggest yet. A serial killer knew her name and what she looked like. She’d talked to him on Skype several times. Kip Lunceford, not Scott Knight. “I have things to do. Besides, I can take care of myself.”

Sean leaned forward, ever so close. Her heart was racing in her chest. “What’s more important than saving your life?”

Kimmie. She had planned on going to get her at the end of the month after the big payday. Neither was going to happen. She couldn’t go to her. Not now. Not with Mitrofanov and Kip on her trail. Why not go with Matt and Sean? Because she had no clue what kind of men they were. Carl had seemed normal, too. He was even attractive, though not on the level the Texans were.

“I’ve got to get out of here,” she said, panic setting in. She’d been running for so long. Would it ever end?

“You’re not going anywhere without us,” Matt told her firmly. “And we’re not leaving until you tell us everything. Start by giving us your last name.”

“White. Jena White.” It was the last of a long series of aliases that’s she’d used.

“That’s a lie,” Sean said. “That’s not your real name, is it?”

How could he see through her so easily? “Yes, it is.”

“You’re going to learn to trust me, Jena.” His dark eyes fixed on her. “Trust is hard for you I bet. Very hard.”

Matt moved his chair next to hers. “Sean, she’s been through a helluva lot today. Give her a break.”

Today? The last three months of her life had been complete chaos. “This is my life and I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.”

“Well then, whether you know it or not, you want to,” Sean told her.

Matt leaned close. “Jena, you need us. Sean is right about that. The more you tell us, the better we can help bring down these assholes.”