“How about a cold one, bro?” Sean asked.

He nodded, keeping his gaze on the television. “Don’t mind if I do.”

Sean handed him the beer. “You seem to be looking at a blank screen. Bet you don’t have a clue what they’re saying.”

“You read me like a book. My mind was on Jena and all that she told us about her life. I want to protect her in every way possible. She’s been through enough and now it’s time for us to share that burden.”

“I don’t want her to feel alone ever again. We’re both here for her, but it’s time to tell her about our life.” Sean took a long drink of his beer. “We need her complete trust.”

“There couldn’t be two men more alike than we are, buddy.” Matt put his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “That same thought crossed my mind, too.”

“Whenever the time is right, let’s make that a priority, the sooner, the better,” Sean said. “I love the fact she has a daughter.”

“I know,” he sighed. “I can fully understand why she was so motivated in all that she did. Her mom and daughter mean the world to her.”

Sean nodded. “She’s too good for us, but I will never let her go.”

“I totally agree. She’s the best thing that has happened to us and we want her safe and happy.”

“Let’s put all our cards on the table for her. It can only make us closer.”

“I hope I’m not jumping the gun, Sean, but I can see you and I finally having a real family.”

Chapter Ten

In between Matt and Sean, Jena walked up to the big double doors of the mansion.

Megan had told her people in Destiny liked to throw a party, but this was a much bigger turnout than she imagined. The cars outside the place lined not only the driveway, but also the entire street. How many people were here? At least a hundred.

She was a little anxious, but she vowed to herself not to show it. “Surely this isn’t just for me.”

Matt shrugged. “Let’s find out.” He knocked on the door.

It opened and an elderly woman in a traditional maid’s outfit appeared. “Welcome to Knight Mansion, Miss Taylor.” Her English accent was endearing. “Please come in.”

“Gretchen, you look wonderful tonight.” Sean leaned down and kissed the woman on the cheek.

“You’re a devil, Mr. MacCabe,” Gretchen said with a wink.

They walked in. Jena looked up at the banner strung across the impressive foyer. It said Welcome, Jena, to Destiny!

“Oh my God. This really is for me?”

“Yes it is,” Megan said, stepping up with her two fiancés, Eric and Scott. The crowd that had gathered in the space applauded. “Everyone is anxious to meet you, Jena.”

“You’ve done so much for me already. I’m stunned by this.”

“Then you better fasten your seat belt, because there’s more to come.” Megan handed her a yellow rose. “This is from me and my guys. I’m so glad to have you as my friend, Jena.”

“You’re the best one I’ve ever had.” She hugged Megan, feeling overcome with happiness. Tears welled in her eyes.

Gretchen came up beside her with a large vase. “Miss Taylor, you’ll need this for your flowers.”

“But I only have one.”

“Every family in Destiny is going to give you a welcome flower. It was Ethel’s idea. The Irish can be so dramatic at times.”

“I’m not Irish, and you know it.” Another woman, about the same age as Gretchen, came up beside her with two men in tow. “Don’t listen to her, Jena,” the sweet lady said with a grin. “She’s a troublemaker. I’m Ethel O’Leary and these are my handsome husbands, Patrick and Sam. They are Irish.”