“I think you can remove the handcuffs, buddy.” Sean told Matt. Then he leaned forward and placed his cell’s screen in front of Jena. “Here’s a picture of Scott.”

Her eyes widened. “That can’t be him. It just can’t. I’ve been working for him for several months.”

* * * *

“This sure explains a lot.” Matt removed her cuffs.

Jena brought her hands to her front and began rubbing her wrists.

If he’d had any idea how gorgeous Robin Hood was, he would’ve worked even harder to find her, forgoing eating and sleeping.

Sean shook his head. “We have worked like dogs trying to get these attacks on TBK’s system shut down.”

“How can Kip Lunceford have a Skype account?” Sean asked.

“Hell, not just Skype. According to Jena, his calls came from inside TBK somehow. Any and all access should be impossible.” Matt sat back down at another terminal even though he doubted it would change a damn thing. “The creep is in a maximum security prison.”

“You haven’t seen his ce

ll there. Thick Plexiglas. No visitors,” Dylan said. “The only thing that’s going to stop that fucker is a hole in the ground.”

Sean sighed. “He had one visitor, don’t you remember?”

Matt sure did. The Russian mobster.

“Guys, please clue me in,” Jena pleaded. “You really are with TBK?”

He turned to her. The panic showing in her green eyes hit him in the gut. She was innocent in all this. “Yes. We work for Two Black Knights. This guy is head of security.” He pointed at Dylan.

“Strange. Dylan Strange,” his former CIA lead told Jena.

“And this is Sean MacCabe,” Matt added, motioning to his friend. “I’m Matthew Dixon, but most people call me Matt.”

“I know. He’s Country Boy and you’re Tall Texan. Who is this Kip guy?”

“Kip Lunceford worked for TBK a long time ago,” Matt turned his chair around. “Have a seat, Jena. It’s a long story.”

She sighed and sat back in her chair.

Sean grabbed her hands. “Do you need a minute?”

She shook her head.

Matt knew Sean better than anyone. They were in sync about almost everything. It was clear to him that Sean liked what he saw in Jena. He felt exactly the same way.

“I’m sitting,” she said. “I’m ready for the whole truth.”

“Kip has been placing viruses inside the system for years,” he told her. “You’re just the latest person he’s used to accomplish his goal of tearing down the company.”

When he finished telling her the whole story about Kip, she looked down at her feet. “Damn, I was such a fool.”

“Don’t beat yourself up too much, Jena.” Matt wanted to wrap his arm around the sweet woman, hoping to make her feel better. But he didn’t. Even though she’d been a victim in all of this, he must keep his perspective. “Remember, he deceived everyone at TBK at one time.”

“He’s evil but he’s also a genius,” Sean added.

“You’re no dummy, Robin Hood.” Matt grinned, pointing to his chest. “Tall Texan knows. I’ve seen what kind of code you write.”

“Should we bother taking this stuff now?” Sean asked.