“I’m so sorry. I should’ve called you back but I fell asleep,” she lied, not wanting to add more concern to her mother.

“Jena Anne Taylor, I know you. Something is going on.” There was a pause. “Did Carl find you?”

Her gut tightened at the mention of Kimmie’s father. “No. He has no clue where I am and more importantly where you and Kimmie are. No one does.”

“Thank God.”

“Mom, can you put my baby on the phone, please?”

“You bet, honey.” There was a long pause. She could hear her mother shuffling through the tiny rental house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to get Kimmie. It was a two bedroom Jena had gotten for them. Very small, but all she could afford.

“Mommy, Grandma took me for ice cream yesterday. When are you coming to see me? I want you to take me next time. Please?”

Her heart was breaking. “Soon, sweetheart. Very soon. Mommy has some work to do and then I’ll be home.”

“You always work.”

Another pang of guilt shot through her. “I will be there soon.”

“For my birthday. You promised.”

In one week. Seven days. “Yes, for your birthday. I can’t believe you’re going to be five years old, Kimmie.”

“I’m a big girl, Mommy.”

She was missing so much of her life. “Yes, you are. You take care of Grandma for me until I get there next week, okay?”

“I will. I promise. Will you bring me a present?”

She wiped a tear from her eye. “I promise.”

“Bye, Mommy. I love you.”

“I love you, too, baby.” She clicked off the phone and renewed her vow to keep her daughter safe from him. Now, she had to make sure Kimmie was safe from Mitrofanov and Lunceford, too.

* * * *

Having the strongest urge to put his arm around Jena, Matt stood behind her in the garage in Idaho Springs, thirty-two miles west of Denver. Sean was next to him, watching her just as intently as he was. Jena and Floyd the mechanic were peering down into the engine. She clearly knew more about a combustion engine than the man did, or most men.

Her slightly bent position gave Sean and him an unobstructed view of her gorgeous ass. Too bad it was covered in denim at the moment. He’d been imagining her out of her clothes and under him since leaving Odessa, and he bet Sean had been, too.

They’d shared women before. Being in Destiny for the past few months had shown both of them that it could be more than just a passing fling, though neither of them was ready to settle down yet. Lots more wild oats to sow. Still, if they ever did decide to live the Destiny life, a woman like Jena would be exactly what he wanted.

Jena was like no other woman he’d ever known. She was tough, capable, and fucking hot as hell. When her White Ghost’s engine had started missing back on the Interstate, she’d turned to him and Sean and smiled. Her green gaze had caused his balls to fill up and his cock to stretch.

“I’m thinking it’s the fuel pump relay,” she told the silver-haired man. “That should run five bucks or so. Let’s try that first.”

“You sure know cars, miss.” Floyd straightened up. “I’ll have to send my boy to Denver to get the part. I can’t leave the shop and I don’t have one on hand. If it is your fuel pump that needs replacing though, I’ll have to send him back. It’s an hour round trip.”

Matt leaned forward. “Just get both. It’ll save us time.”

“Let me get my son on the phone.”

Something about Floyd’s tone told Matt that it might take more time for him to locate his boy than he was letting on. Likely the guy was having issues with his son. The mechanic seemed like a good man.

“Were you in the Corps?” Matt asked, looking at the Marine Corps flag on the wall.

“Yes, sir,” Floyd said. “You and your buddy were, too, right?”