She didn’t dare tell him that she’d never been too good at oral sex when it came to giving. Receiving? Sunday night had proven how good she was at that, at least with them. She lowered herself down as he’d commanded, her knees on the blanket. Right in front of her was his cock—his monstrous, massive, hard cock.

Dylan moved behind her and began stroking her hair. His tenderness was impacting her forward, which was a good thing. Thinking had gotten her in trouble. The shooting at TBK Tower a few months ago and her recent abduction had awakened the old darkness, the old pain. She’d been known as sunny, always-upbeat Erica Coleman in Destiny. Better to be with them in the here and now and not in the past, where her demons lived.

Cam placed his large hands on the side of her face, an act of dominance that pulled her from her thoughts and back into her body, where sensations were zipping like wildfire. “Make love to my dick, sub. Now.”

She loved hearing the urgency and demand in his voice. “Sirs, I have to tell you that I’m not very good at this.”

Cam’s eyes narrowed harshly. He moved his hands to her throbbing nipples and pinched again. The stings got her attention instantly. “Don’t talk about yourself that way. No negativity here, sub. Understand?”

She nodded, and his eyes softened and his hands massaged her breasts so tenderly. Her eyes brimmed with tears. Cam was proving to be more than she’d ever imagined. Tonight he’d surprised her with his sharp edge—a demanding and impatient side she’d never expected. Like his gentleness, she responded to all of him.

She placed her fingers around his thick shaft, unable to encircle all of him. She leaned forward and put the tip of her tongue on the head of his cock. The drop she discovered tasted salty and savory on her lips. This was Cam’s very essence. In the oddest way it defined him.

“You’re doing great, baby.” Dylan, too, was startling her with his attentiveness. “Make him suffer,” he said with a laugh. Dylan had always seemed to her like a man to show no mercy, but right now he was caressing her shoulders so lovingly, proving she’d been wrong.

She swirled her tongue around Cam’s cock’s bulbous head and slid her left hand up and down its shaft.

He groaned, and she could feel his fingers vibrating on the sides of her face. “Damn, you’re better than you know, baby. Fucking fantastic.”

More slickness came out of the slit of his cock, and she relished every drop. She cradled his heavy balls in her right hand, squeezing ever so slightly.

Another moan from Cam urged her forward. She swallowed the head of his cock, which pulsed in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head, as Dylan moved lower, kissing up and down her back. Cam’s hands threaded through her locks. She squeezed her thighs together as the pressure began to rise within her. She’d never cared for giving oral sex before, until now. With Cam’s fingertips caressing her hair and his cock in her mouth, she wanted more than anything to please him. With Dylan’s lips dancing on her back, she craved even more. She needed them to fill her, to claim her, to make her forget everything.

She sucked hard on Cam’s cock until her cheeks hollowed out.

“Fuck, that feels good.” His hand was at the back of her head, pulling her in more. “Make love to my cock with those pretty lips, sub.”

This felt so right. Her body was on fire in this moment with them. Oral sex had always been just a task, a means to an end. But it wasn’t now. Not with Cam and Dylan.

“You’ve got to feel her mouth on you,” Cam told Dylan.

“Damn right I do.”

Though her eyes were closed, she was aware of Dylan moving next to Cam, but she was aware of so much more and all of it primal. She opened her eyes, drinking in the moment. The full moon above lit Cam and Dylan’s male frames perfectly. She felt Dylan’s cock on her cheek, letting her know the mercy she’d seen in him was gone.

“Suck me,” Dylan ordered.

She looked up, keeping Cam’s cock in her mouth. “You heard him, baby. Give him a sample of your sweet mouth.” There was a delicious dominance in every syllable from both of them that reached into her and seared her heart to them.

When she released Cam’s dick, the desperate groan that fell from his mouth made her smile. She kept her hand on his balls but moved her other hand to Dylan’s shaft.

“That’s it, sweetheart.” Dylan’s urgent tone sent a delicious tremble through her. “Tighten those lips around me.”

“Yes, Sir.” She licked the tip of his cock, finding a pearly, tangy drop.

As she swallowed more of his thick shaft, Dylan buried his hands in her hair. She squeezed Cam’s balls and took in more of Dylan’s cock. They were both so big. Massive. She groaned as Dylan thrust lightly in and out of her mouth, sending another inch deeper down her throat. Sucking on his dick, she tried to take more of him, but she’d only taken half of his length into her mouth.

Another inch, and she moaned into his cock.

“Fuck, baby, you’re were just conning us about your oral skills,” Dylan said with deep, heavy breaths.

Cam chimed in, “I told you. That’s a killer mouth she has.”

She loved hearing their praise. She moved her hands from Cam’s balls to his shaft and began pumping him.

“That’s it, sub,” Cam said. “Make love to my dick with your fingers.”

Dylan began pulling in and out of her mouth, claiming her with every white-hot inch.