“That doesn’t mean you aren’t supposed to be a little anxious, baby,” Reed informed, feathering his lips on her shoulders. “That’s all part of this.”

Without warning, her mind brought up the image of the moth. It made her giggle “That’s good then, because I am anxious but I do trust you, Sirs.” From her desk at the station in Chicago, to the guys’ back porch of the cabin, to here—about to get her pussy shaved by these two sex-charged Doms—was quite a journey.

Without warning, Sawyer plunged a towel into the bucket. When he pulled it out, she could see the steam rising from the fabric. Surprisingly, he rubbed her underarms with it, warming them up with the water from the cloth. “I’m going to shave you everywhere, little one.”

Nicole wasn’t about to tell him that she’d just shaved this morning. She didn’t think it would matter to him either way.

As he brought the edge of the sharp razor to the softest flesh under her arm, a shiver rolled up her spine. How easy it would be for him to slip and knick her? Easy. She held her breath, listening to the blade scrape against her skin, taking away any random hair it found. The whole thing was exhilarating, turning her into a ball of quivering desire.

With her underarms bare now, Sawyer soaked her arms with the towel, freshly brought up from the bucket of hot water.

“You know why he’s doing that?” Reed asked, wrapping his fingers in her hair.

“No, Sir.”

“The only hairs we’ll allow on you are these beautiful strands.” He gave a little tug. “You are mine. You are Sawyer’s. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” Nicole answered, because she did understand from every fiber of her being.

Feeling the blade go up and down her arms gave her several tingles, some hot and others blistering hot. Whatever their temperature, the quakes ended up deep in her womb, causing it to clench hard.

As Sawyer sent the shaving instrument down her abdomen, which she knew had no hair, Reed pressed on her clit, reminding her the final destinat

ion for the razor was down there. On my pussy.

She moaned, imagining what it would feel like on her most sensitive flesh.

“Now the legs,” Sawyer said in a firm tone that screamed in her ears that he was in control. Not her. This was way beyond vulnerable. This was surrender. This was what it really meant to be in a state of complete submission.

“Go ahead, baby. Feel your legs,” Reed commanded.

She sent her fingertips to her thighs and was shocked how smooth and silky her skin felt. Sawyer had cleaned her legs better than she’d ever done in the tub with her lady shaver.

Everywhere the blade had been was warm and tingly.

When Sawyer placed a freshly drenched hot towel on her pussy, its liquid mingling with her own juices, she moaned. Over and over, he sent the towel into the water and then placed it on her mound so that even her thighs were soaked.

Reed applied the shaving cream with his fingers to her mound. The pressure inside her was maddening, and she felt her fingers ball into tiny fists and her toes curl into little half moons.

Sawyer held the blade. A blade? Oh my God! She was really doing this. This was submission. This was what was meant to be. They’re mine. I’m theirs.

Her half-hitched breaths came faster and faster, joining the same tempo of her heart, which was beating inside her chest like a racehorse.

She felt the edge of the razor on her most intimate flesh—her pussy. They’re mine. I’m theirs. Over and over, she silently prayed the words, a mantra that helped her calm her nerves. What she felt between her thighs wasn’t a sting or a bite at all. With Sawyer’s steady and patient hands and Reed distracting her by pressing here and there on all her erogenous spots—under her arms, behind her knees, along her neck, even under her knees, and more—she was loving every second of her wicked shave. When Sawyer moved back to the bucket to once again soak the towel and clean the blade, Reed would move in and press on her clit, sending her past the brink of deliriousness.

She saw Sawyer wring the cloth out. Still, the steam wafted up from the fabric. Then he gently wiped her pussy with it.

“All done,” he announced. “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your life, bro?”

“Never.” Reed’s tone was filled with what sounded to her like awe.

“Really, Sirs?” she asked meekly, bending up slightly to get a peak at herself.

“Let me get the hand mirror,” he said. “It’ll give you a better view.”

Apparently, Phase Four’s rooms were equipped with all kinds of things, including hand mirrors. She was glad that this certainly wouldn’t be her last trip here. What other treasures would she find and experience here? She couldn’t wait.

Reed tilted the mirror for her. “See?”