Nicole tried to pull her hands free of Reed’s hold but he wouldn’t release them. “I may be in civilian clothes right now, cowboy, but I’m still packing.” She was trying to remain calm and in charge on the outside even though her insides were quite the opposite. Sheriff Wolfe wants these two to protect me from the Russians. Who is going to protect me from them?

“That a threat, Chicago?” His blue eyes were the most piercing ones she’d ever seen, and they were undeniably slicing her into tiny, trembling bits.

“Does it need to be?” she asked, keeping her anxiety in check if only a little. Clearly, Reed and Sawyer were members of Gold’s club, and she had a pretty good idea what that meant.

“Perhaps we’re getting off on the wrong foot, darlin’.” His deep voice rolled over her like a summer breeze, warming her skin. She detected a slight Southern accent from him, which only made him more intriguing to her.

“It’s not my feet you’re holding, Reed. It’s my hands.”

He smiled broadly, and her kne

es grew weak. “I like your hands, sweetheart. So soft and delicate.”

“I’d like them back, if you don’t mind,” she said, hearing her voice come out harsher than she intended.

“I mind very much, but for now, I’ll let you have your way.” His big rough hands set her fingers free, but the tingling they’d ignited in them remained. “I’m fixin’ to blow you away with some Colorado charm, Chicago. Prepare yourself.”

The thought made her shiver. She had to get herself together. She was here to do a job, not to fall for a couple of handsome Colorado cowboys. Except he didn’t really have the typical Western accent she’d heard before. “‘Fixin’ to’? Where did that come from?”

“My mother was from Texas. She imported it here.” Reed’s eyes turned from lusty to sad in a flash. Why? He spoke of his mother in the past tense. Did that mean she had died?

“Since the intros are done, let me get down to why I’m here with Nicole,” Sheriff Wolfe said.

“Sheriff?” a voice called from the doorway.

Nicole turned to see a beautiful woman walk into the room. She wore her dark hair in a bun and had on a flattering gray suit. She held a briefcase by her side like a weapon.

The woman seemed hesitant. “Sorry to interrupt, but might I have a minute of your time?”

The sheriff turned around and faced the new arrival, clearly shaken by her. “Phoebe, what are you doing here?”

“Counselor, you’re not here to serve me, are you?” Gold asked. “I know we’ve had our differences, but I can assure you all my records are in order.”

An attorney. Nicole should have known when she saw the suit.

Phoebe looked to the club owner, clearly annoyed. “This isn’t about you, Gold. If you don’t mind, I need to speak with Sheriff Wolfe about a private matter.”

Since meeting the young handsome sheriff, Nicole had found him to be demanding, self-assured, and unflappable. Something about this leggy lawyer clearly unhinged him. She wasn’t sure what had happened between these two, but there obviously was history involved. Whatever passion they’d had in the past must have hit the skids a while back.

The sheriff’s fists clenched in obvious frustration. “I’ll be back after I find out what Miss Blue has to say. Nicole, please stay here with Reed and Sawyer. I’ve got more to discuss with the three of you.”

She nodded, and the duo stepped out of the room through the same door she’d entered.

Gold folded up the stepladder and held it in his arms. “I’m going to put this up. I’ll be in my office if any of you need me.” The owner of the club walked to another door at the opposite side of the room, leaving her alone with Reed and Sawyer, the two beautiful cowboys who were ramping up her anxiety to the max.

Being alone with them was adding to the little quakes already inside her. What was wrong with her? I’m a cop. She wasn’t one of those women who needed a man. Never had. Never would. She was self-reliant. Always. Then why am I shivering? The room wasn’t cold.

“This might be a good time to get to know each other better.” Reed looked her straight in the eyes, and she felt her whole body begin to melt. “Chicago, you have family in the Windy City?”

Her gut tightened as her constant companions, guilt and grief, wrapped their claws around her insides. “No. Just me.”

Sawyer cupped her chin, causing her to catch her breath. “You’re alone?”

God, he was so devastatingly handsome.

This was none of their business. “I have family, just not in Chicago anymore,” she lied.

He sighed, removing his hand. “Not true. I know. Reed and I lost our parents a while back. I know loss when I see it, and I definitely see it in your face, Nicole.”