Sawyer shrugged. “Sis isn’t going to put up with you or me another night. I’m done here.” He took the first steps down the ladder, ready to get back to their cabin before nightfall.

“Damn. That means no playtime.” Reed was a terrific brother and friend. They were in sync in so many ways. They loved the mountain more than town. They loved being in a saddle more than a truck. But Reed hadn’t grown weary of the one-night stands like he had. Training subs was fun, but it didn’t hold the appeal it once had. Perhaps that was the age difference. In December, Sawyer would turn thirty. Reed had another two years before he did.

“There is more than enough work for both of us back at the ranch. You and I both know it.”

Reed shook his head. “Fine. Besides, we need to check on Connie.”

“You bet we do.”

The main herd was already settled into the ranch’s biggest valley where there was plenty of grazing and a pond. They still had to keep tabs on them, even if they didn’t have to run hay, because of the mountain lion they’d named Connie. Quite the hunter, she’d brought down a heifer last year, even though her meal of choice seemed to be mule deer by the skeletons he and Reed had found on the ranch.

“Hey, guys.” Sheriff Jason Wolfe walked in.

Sawyer stepped off the ladder, focusing his attention on the woman following close behind Jason.

“Hello, miss.” Reed moved around the sheriff and stood right in front of her. “I’m Reed Coleman,” his brother said, extending his hand.

The raven-haired beauty didn’t take it, which seemed to disappoint Reed by the frown that suddenly appeared on his face.

“Officer Nicole Flowers from Chicago PD.”

A female cop? Damn, I wouldn’t mind being arrested by her.

She wore jeans that revealed her curves perfectly. Her blue knit shirt clung to her full breasts, which would fit into his hands nicely. She topped the outfit off with a sexy jacket.

“My eyes are north of where you’re looking, Mr. Coleman.” Nicole didn’t look amused.

Sawyer snapped his head up to her chocolate-col

ored eyes. She wasn’t looking at him but at Reed. Apparently his brother had been taking in her physique just the same as he.

Nicole placed her hands on her hips instead of crossing them over her chest. The woman had moxie, that was for sure. He’d never cared much for moxie before, always going for the more subdued types, eyes down, trembling.

But clearly Sawyer’s dick had different ideas now, especially when it came to Nicole’s moxie. His cock jumped and his balls grew heavy.

His mind didn’t seem to be in the driver’s seat as much as his desire. Sawyer was sure Nicole’s soft curves would feel wonderful in his grasp. Unfortunately, squeezing her as a “hello” wouldn’t be the best introduction to Destiny. And by the demeanor he saw from her, it would likely be met with discontent and flailing arms and legs. God, even that picture sent hot pulses down between his legs, making his jeans even more uncomfortable.

“Do we need more law enforcement in Destiny, Jason?” Gold asked. “With Charlie moving to California next week to be with his kids, that leaves you short a deputy. Is Miss Flowers taking that position?”

“She’s here temporarily,” Jason answered.

Nicole turned her big brown eyes his direction. “I’m here to assist the sheriff with a certain matter.”

She was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Sure, other men might see her differently, believing the stick-figure models to be more attractive, but not him. Her attitude might be firm, but her shape was most definitely soft, calling to his fingers to touch.

“Introductions are in order,” Jason said, always bent on the protocols both here at Phase Four and everywhere else. Rules. The law. That was Jason’s way. “This is Mr. Gold. He owns the club.”

This time, Nicole extended her hand. “Interesting place you have here.”

Gold shook her hand. “Thank you. Are you familiar with my type of club, officer?”

“Like I said, I’m from Chicago,” Nicole said. “Yes. I’m familiar.”

“I’d be happy to extend you a visitor’s pass during your stay in Destiny, officer.” Gold smiled.

Sawyer leaned in, hoping she would accept the offer but knowing that was doubtful.

Nicole shook her head. “No thanks. I’m only here to help the sheriff. Nothing else.”